Has anyone had a mental health decline from chemo being combined with immunotherapy?

Hi, has anyone anyone else experienced a massive mental decline following Carboplatin, Paclitaxel and EC chemo combined with Pembrolizumab immunotherapy?

  • Good morning!

    yes, oh my goodness yes! The amount of people who go on to tell me about someone they know, or someone they know who knows of some one, who’s just died. I now smile sweetly and tell them I’ve been very luck to have been on a revolutionary hard hitting cocktail of drugs for treatment, and then overwrite the experience when it pops back in my head with 3 things I like, 2 things I’m grateful for and 1 thing that makes me smile. 

    yes my op was to remove my 3 cm tumour which was 10cm before the chemo and immuno, they removed my right breast and the lymph nodes under my arm. they confirmed that the lymph nodes and surrounding breast tissue was cancer free, but still went ahead with the further immuno and radiotherapy to boost my survival chances.

    on a positive note, I know of one lady who just had chemotherapy and mastectomy and she’s going strong and remains cancer free 5 years on. She was also triple negative 

    im uk and had oncology treatment in Bristol. Where are you having yours?

    oh, by the way the first 2 rounds of EC/pembro were easy compared to the 4th paclitaxel and carboplatin and immuno! 

    hope the sun is shining with you today!
