Breast Cancer - how often do patients see their oncologist?

Hi, my friend has aggressive her2 positive Breast Cancer, I do have personal experience with Cancer but not breast. How often do BC patients get appointments with their oncologist ? 

Thanks in advance xx

  • Hi Nina,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am not a doctor, but I had 2 bouts of breast cancer, 14 years ago. I only saw my oncologist once throughout all the time of my treatment. I suspect that the frequency of seeing an oncologist will depend to some extent, on the type of breast cancer and how aggressive it is. it may also become more often if any complications are incurred.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • My wife had a lot of problems after each infusion of chemo, so she saw her oncologist waaaay more than she would have otherwise. For example, she was hospitalised after each dose of docetaxel and they could never figure out why she always took massive temp spikes for 3 days, and they never found an infection, but had to treat her for one anyway.

    You get a 2nd oncologist that deals with you during radiotherapy, should the person requires it. She only saw that oncologist once. There are 3 types of oncologists. The one most people go on about is the medical oncologist, the ones that deal with radiology are radiation (or something like that0 oncologists, and then you have surgical oncologists. My wife saw a breast surgeon, but he never referred to himself as a surgical oncologist, so i dunno.