Single masectomy no reconstrution

I am going to have a single mastectomy. I am in my late 60s, bra size 36C, I am planning to choose no reconstruction as it is the simplest and quickest op and has the lowest complications. I am happy with my body image and I don't think being flat on one side will worry me. I would prefer to go without a prosthesis/padding. But I cant find any pictures of what it might look like. Does anyone know where I can find a picture of what it might look like, in a t-shirt without any reconstruction or padding? I don't need to see a face.

  • Hello Marinatedmole

    It's good to hear that you're feeling so positive ahead of your surgery. It will certainly stand you in good stead. 

    You've asked a really good question and I wanted to signpost you to a charitable organisation called Flat Friends. They are a group that supports women who have had a single or double mastectomy and haven't had reconstruction. They are a great source of information and support. 

    I also wanted to send you the link to the Flatter Fashion blogs. The ladies there share lots of tips and advice for post-mastectomy fashion. 

    I'm sure that if you explore these links you'll find an army of women who are happy to share their experiences with you. 

    Good luck with your surgery and best wishes for a speedy recovery. 

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