Brain mets

Hi, my fiancee had part of her lung and some ribs removed last year and then chemotherapy until April this year. She has just been told she has 2 brain tumours which have bled. They cannot operate now but were hoping to give radiotherapy.  Without explanation they have told our local hospital they won't do it. She is currently waiting for  care package to come home. I feel we need a second opinion?

  • Hi Jall,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear of the situation with your fiancee - this sounds incredibly difficult and I can understand you have questions about this. You are always entitled to ask for a second opinion so this could be something to explore.

    I can see you have posted the same in the Ask the Nurses section of the forum, so you will receive a reply from one of our nurses soon, which should provide further advice.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator