Any suggestions for trials for recurrent Bowel Cancer in the pelvic area?

Hi everyone,

Any suggestions for trials dealing with recurrent BC in pelvic area. Affecting prostate, bladder, ureter, sciatic nerves and S1-S4 nerve exits. Recent radiotherapy has dealt with the pain from the sciatic and spinal nerve pain but I would love to find a treatment that others have experienced positively. I have had positive experiences from radiotherapy on both occasions so I feel there are treatments about that I could benefit from.

Fire your suggestions please!

Thanks, Paul

  • Hi Paul, 

    I am not aware myself of anything specifically related to recurrent bowel cancer in the pelvic area but you could try having a look at this clinical trials database on our website. If you type the cancer type in the search bar, it will bring up clinical trials related to bowel cancer. 

    Hopefully you will hear from the experiences of other members of our community who have been affected by recurrent bowel cancer in the pelvic area and I hope that they will have some good suggestions for you. It's always interesting to hear from the positive experiences of others who have been through something similar. It's great that you have had such positive experiences from radiotherapy and I hope that you will find further treatments that could be beneficial to you. 

    I hope you won't mind but I have slightly edited your title to make it more specific in the hope that it will be seen by other members with the same cancer type and therefore attract more replies. 

    Best of luck finding the right trial/treatment for you! 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for the reply. I have discovered there a few would like to include recurrent cancers but they need approval to do so. But I shall have another scan through.