My radiotherapy rash is so bad,I know it's for the greater good butits itching so much its getting me down.
My radiotherapy rash is so bad,I know it's for the greater good butits itching so much its getting me down.
Had to go to the Oncology assessment ward and go on a drip with antihistamines and pain relief. Have a prescription for cream and strong antihistamines so hopefully that will help xx
Jacs oh my gosh , it must have been terrible bless you hope it helped massively for you , I used the prescription cream it smelt fowl but was brilliant cream , hope it works better for you xx
how are you today ? X
Hi,yeah it's itching a lot got a prescription for antihistamines 4 t8mes a day and some flamigel. I hope ithelps x
How are you feeling today have it calm Ed down ? X
A l8ttle but still hot and angry.breast nurse said it means the radiotherapy is do8ng its job so holding on to that, and the fact I still have my breast xx
definitely, mine used to get hot in the evening more don’t no why . And it would get hot soon as I got in bed annoying , yes hood on to the fact you got your breast and think of it like medicine fling it’s work xx
Oh no that’s rubbish. Mines very red and itchy too. they thought it would split at one point. My nipple is peeling now. Do you feel like you’ve been hit with a bat at night. I just can’t get comfortable it’s like I’ve been hit with a bat
hope your not doing too bad this week
Get it looked at and they will give you something. I put up with it too long until I was on fire x
How are you doing now?
I don’t think they will. I asked when it was really red and swollen and sore and they only offered dressings. X
I contacted the emergency assessment bay at the hospital, they called me in straight away Ask your BCN x