Does anyone know anything about Dendritic Cell therapy?

Dear All, I hope that you are as well as can be expected and coping with your personal fights against this horrible desease. My name is Bill, 57 years old and 5 months post Ivor Lewis operation that removed my T3N2M0 R1 esophogeal cancerous tumour. I have recovered from the operation extremely well physically but mentally is a different story. I have had a recent CT scan that dignosed NED but I have heard some horror stories of similiar cases being rewrded with reoccurence on the anniversary of their operation. My oncologist who was less than supportive throughout my treatment, refused to give me any post op chemo or immunotherapy saying that it was futile. He told me that there was a very high risk of the cancer returning but refused any ongoing treatment or support. I am extremely grateful for the surgical team who have gotten me this far and continue to monitor me but feel let down by my oncology team. I reach out to any member on this forum on whether they have tried, have experience or know of any alternative treatments in particular Dendritic Cell therapy. I am despearately seeking some form of treatment so I can be proactive in trying to prevent the desease returning. Thank you

  • I have no experience of Dendritic therapy but if you Google it there is plenty  someone on here mentioned it recently but I can't remember who it was .

  • Hello, while on a cancer Web site I came across treatment & received a call from a clinic in Spain doing Dendritic therapy.cost £25000 done via blood cells cultured in a lab then then when developed ( similar to antibiotic) replaced via femoral vein to patient. Which then attack the cancer cells. That's my understanding of it. Good luck

  • I'm glad your recovery from your surgery has gone well BillyboyD although I'm sorry to hear that your oncologist hasn't been very supportive. I can't begin to imagine how difficult this must have been for you but I'm glad you are remaining positive and haven't given up.

    I'm not sure if you have done this already but you could try getting a second opinion from a different oncologist. You can find out more just here.

    We also have some information about dendritic cells on our website but if you'd like to discuss this in more detail with one of our cancer nurses, you can contact them on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday (except bank holidays) between 9a.m - 5pm. 

    I hope this helps but as with all treatments that are still in a trial and research phase, it is best to discuss them with your medical team first to see if you are suitable.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi BillynoyD are you still there?! I am also looking into dendritic cell therapy as well as CAR-T / CAR-NK cell therapies, the CARS work as blockers (I believe). My cancer has metastasised and I also had the same experience with my oncologist, it was extremely unhelpful.