Pelvic radiotherapy & early menopause. Has anyone had this?


I've just finished chemo and radiotherapy for stage 3c vulva cancer. I've been told that this is likely to bring on early menopause. I was wondering if anyone has been through this and if so how soon after treatment did you notice any changes?

Thanks in advance x

  • Hello haylzz, 

    I hope that your pelvic radiotherapy treatment for stage 3c vulval cancer went well and that you haven't experienced too many difficult side effects so far. I hope that you will meet other members of the forum who have been through this and that they will share their experience with you. 

    There is detailed information on our website on vulval cancer which I hope you will find useful and in particular the section on radiotherapy for vulval cancer will highlight the possible side effects you may encounter. One of these relates to the consequences on fertility and the menopause and it is indeed mentioned that having an early menopause is a possibility. You might be interested also in reading our page on menopausal symptoms and cancer treatment

    Our nurses are available on this free number 0808 800 4040 if you would like to talk things through with them or have any questions about radiotherapy side effects - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Hopefully you will hear from other members who have had pelvic radiotherapy and early menopause and they will come and share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator