Itchy scalp on Letrozole

I've recently been taken off Tamoxifen (due to a dreadful reaction)  and put on Letrozole and monthly injections of Zoladex. I'm about 3 weeks into the Letrozole and my head has started to itch like crazy. It's unbearable. There's a slight rash that's on my neck and I'm sure I can feel a rash in my scalp too. My head feels like it's on fire and I just want to scratch my scalp constantly. It's so miserable especially at night.... I've heard that this could be a side effect of Letrozole. Does anyone else have this and what can you do about it? I want to change brand of Letrozole and see if that makes a difference, but I'm not sure if that's possible. I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back torture but just thought  I would ask on here and see if anyone else had any advice? Thanks in Advance

  • Hello Cocobob

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with some possible side effects from the letrozole. I've had a look through the forum and can't find that anyone else has reported a rash and itchy scalp and those symptoms are listed on our information page as known side effects of the medication. However, we know that many women report anecdotal side effects from the medication so it may be that someone else sees your post and replies to share their experiences with you. 

    In the meantime, please do get in touch with your GP if you've not done so already. Get this rash checked out to make sure that there's nothing else going on that needs treatment. 

    In terms of changing the brand of letrozole, just speak to your pharmacist next time you fulfill the prescription and ask for another brand. Most pharmacists are used to patients with regular prescriptions having a preferred brand and will try to be as accommodating as possible. 

    If you'd like to chat with one of our nurses for some advice and support you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. 

    I really do hope that things settle for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Sorry I just saw your post. I have exactly the same, Avery itchy neck at hairline and scalp. I’m hoping it won’t get worse. Can I ask if you got the issue resolved for yourself? Do hope so.

  • Just started on Letzo and feeling same, especially at night. Also restless legs, feel like skin is itchy and crawling. Any resolution on origianal post? Thanks. 

  • Cocobob. Hello  I really hope you don’t mind me texting you

  • Sorry  I pressed send to soon. I just wanted to send a message as I see we are almost the same age and I know you have felt (maybe still do) the terror I am feeling. Please could you tell me about your experience, what your lump was like? Size? Texture? Mobile smooth? I have convinced myself I have cancer and terrified. Appointment tomorrow Hope your treatment is going well xx

  • I had really restless legs ,day and night,whilst on Chemo .Used Magnesium spray and tablets too and it stopped it

  • I have been taking Letrozole for 3 years. I have itchy scalp snd neck. I also feel very cold

  • Three and a half months of being on Letrozole I have a similar reaction but mainly in both ears. Have just tried Ear Calm bought from the pharmacy and that is helping but face,neck and scalp are still a problem.

  • Hi Cocobob,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you have such an itchy scalp since you started taking Letrozole. 

    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer. After my lumpectomy, I took Tamoxifen for 1 year. I then discovered another cancer in the same breast and had a double mastectomy, followed by Letrozole for 6½ years. I developed an incredibly itchy scalp, especially at night. My GP prescribed various treatments for this. Unfortunately, instead of improving things, these made the itching worse and my scalp became sore. I stopped using these preparations. It has now been 14 years since my diagnosis and I still have this problem. 

    If anyone has any solution for this, I would love to know. I do hope that you'll be more successful than me in finding a solution.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx