Struggling with Rectal Discharge after stoma surgery. Help!


I have rectal cancer. Last week I had stoma surgery and am now recovering pre ChemoRadio.

I am struggling with rectal discharge. I seem to have to pass something quite regularly (once or twice an hour). It is uncomfortable. I just wondered if anyone had any advice on how to deal with it? I'm 47, fit and healthy. I do Pilates etc. The problem is that I'm finding this debilitating in that I don't want to leave the house for fear of an accident!!

  • Hi AJLevvy,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry you haven't received a reply up to now - but, if you haven't already, then do give your doctor a call about this. They will be best placed to advise specific to your situation.

    Meanwhile if others here have advice to offer then hopefully they'll be along soon.

    I hope the forum can offer some support to you, and we're always here if you need it.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi! I am sorry to her about your troubles. Has it settled down now? The body has to adjust to it, I guess and it should get easier with time. 

    How was the surgery? Is it painful? My husband is going to have it after his radiation and chemo will be done. We are dreading it. Is yours reversible? We expect a permanent one and we are trying to prepare for it as best we can, if that is even possible. 


  • Hi,

    thanks for your reply. Yes it has settled and gone from being debilitating to something I can deal with very easily!

    The stoma surgery went well. I was back home 3 days after the surgery. I have rectal cancer and subsequently have a stoma for life. I found I was changing it easily the day after the surgery (had no choice as I was in a private room in the middle of the night and it was leaking!). It has been nearly two months now and is becoming part of my everyday life and is completely manageable. I am 48 and very active. I'm back open water swimming and walking etc now. No one knows or can see that I have a stoma.

    I start chemo radio next week for 5 weeks, then 6 weeks of ready for more surgery. Finally another 6 months of chemo to make sure we've got it.

     Hi wish your husband luck with his op. I'm sure it will go well as he's in great hands. Adjusting to the stoma is perhaps the difficult bit - but with a positive outlook and your help he'll be fine I'm sure.

    Very Best Wishes 

  • Thank you for the update! Really good to hear.

    My husband is in the same boat. Rectal cancer that will end up in permanent colostomy after surgery. He is now in the radiation and chemo stage of treatment pre surgery. 5 days in. He is 49. 

    His plan sounds a lot like yours except that he is doing radio chemo before the sirgery. 

    Why will you need more surgery if I may ask?


  • Sounds very similar! Yes to surgery.

    I have 5 weeks of chemo radio then 6 weeks off. Then surgery to remove the cancer etc. then 6 months of chemo. I think my plan was to shrink the tumour prior to removal because it's in an awkward spot! 

  • Yes, same for my husband. Close to anus with sphincter involvement, hence the stoma in the future. 

    Good luck with future treatment!!