Cervical ectropion and bleeding after sex

Ladies I need some unjudgemental help...... Long story but I've been having trouble with bleeding the week before my period especially after a poo since around March, had been on the pill for years and started to get breakthrough bleeding so came off. Anyway briefly doc sent me to see a gynecologist who gave me a good examination and said I have a cervical ectropion but everything else was healthy. They sent me for a ultrasound to check everything else also fine. Life just carried on, my smear was due beginning of October so I booked that, smears always been fine, it was my fault really and in hindsight I should have thought more but the nursed wasn't brilliant, they always struggle to find my cervix and she wasn't sure she got cells, then I started bleeding so she couldn't do anymore, I'm having to wait 13 weeks despite my doctor being baffled by it so re booked for beginning December. I had sex yesterday with someone new, I've not had sex in afew months, he is quite large but it didn't hurt.....when he pulled out there was a small amount of blood on him and I had a little but it stopped by later afternoon. I'm 17 days in my cycle, went to the loo this morning for a number two and loads of blood! And it's still like it, having to wear a pad for drips. Blood and little clots like a period (not for me as I literally flood). So I've spoken to my doctor and she thinks it's the ectropion, wants me to see her Monday for an exam, she said because I'm booked in for the smear by the time she would refer me for a colposcopy the smear would be here and she doesn't think I need one anyway. I'm terrified. I'm 40 and have a 9 year old. I'm terrified I have cervical cancer and I just don't know what to do with myself.......xxx

  • Hello Mumwarr

    I’m sorry to see you’re so worried, but it’s completely understandable. An ectropion can bleed really easily, but it’s good that your doctor will do an exam, because if she does see anything she’s not happy with she can refer you to a gynaecologist. I was a bit unsure what she meant-she doesn’t think you need a smear, or doesn’t think you need a colposcopy? 

    Try not to let thoughts of cervical cancer panic you at this stage. Bleeding can happen for all sorts of reasons which are not cancer. I hope your appointment goes as well as it can, and let us know how you get on. I’ve been through cervical cancer myself, so I understand where you’re coming from. xx

  • I'm 45 and my GP has told me for the last 2.5 years that my bleeding is peri menopause. I had a negative smear in May 2019, but because it hasn't been three years, they wouldn't repeat it. I'm at a new doctors now, and I found out a matter of months ago that my ex was sleeping with his estranged wife every time he went to see the kids, and my bleeding started months after meeting him. We'd both been screened for STI's and were both sterilised so it seemed low risk. Except he'd been having unprotected sex there and lying about it. Anyway she was diagnosed with cervical cancer after 6-12 months, and obviously as a result of HPV. I got super concerned about the bleeding (hadn't been with a man in like 10 years) and my new GP agreed this needed investigation, as I had no other symptoms of the menopause. They won't do a smear until may next year, so it took five days for me to be seen at colposcopy. I've a scan on the 30th too. Colposcopy found a lesion which was higher into the cervix and difficult to access but we're hoping enough was obtained for the biopsy (took 4 tries). I e been told these biopsies take 4-6 weeks and it's driving me crazy after two days lol. The report to my doctor indicated CIN high grade. I know it's horrible waiting and I've convinced myself of the worst possible outcome, as I'm sure you have too.  I hope you get all the tests and results you need and it ends up ok. Thinking of you