Hello everyone,
I'm a 19 year old girl who has spent the past two months depressed about Asbestos exposure I have experienced and guilt I have felt for bringing it home to my family.
When I was 15, I went to visit a derelict primary school with my friend and at the time we didn't know what asbestos was or what it could lead to, there were warning signs on the building but we were teenagers and didn't pay enough attention to them. I don't have anything else to say but my stupidity and lack of knowledge could potentially cost me my life and my families. I came home that evening and put my clothes on top of the wash basket and they were washed along side everyone else's clothes in the washer, transferring the fibres all around the house.
For the past two years, I have worked in retail. Two weeks before resigning I was reminded that Asbestos tiles are a thing and the first option that appears online for 'Asbestos tiles' are the same as what we had in our stockroom. The first stockroom had air vents and no broken tiles but the second had a patch where the tiles were broken. Before discovering this, I was already distressed for two months over suspected asbestos in our shed. As I was resigning already, it worked in my favour to call in sick so I panicked and called in and said I had covid because I realised if I had to "isolate" for two weeks, I wouldn't have to feel anxious about being exposed further until my resignation had taken its place and my contract was terminated. I was caught out for lying and my supervisor said I should have just comunicated and that they regulate asbestos in the building. They showed me gratitude and allowed me to be put on early leave rather than a dismissal. She said "we have stickers marked on the locations where there is Asbestos". I don't know what kind of regulation they have but on my final shift I saw those stickers but again, she didn't tell me what the case was for the tiles or the ceiling tiles in the general office. Is it possible that when a third party regulates asbestos they ingore things that arent hazardous as much like the floor and celing tiles. The ceiling tiles were not broken although the floor tiles were. Nevertheless, after many shifts I have come home and sat on the couch and washed my clothes along with everyone elses and I've hugged the rabbits.
For the two months prior, I felt angry that I had been exposed and had felt like I knew what the future held in line for me. I tried to get over these things and thought I was recovering up until the situation at work. I have spent days on the internet reading reports and statistics and now I just feel angry and guilty over bringing it home to my younger siblings and mum. I'm terrified over whether I'll get something in years to come and/ or they will. I find myself getting angry at my sblings for dropping things on the floor incase they pick things up and collect fibres with it. Any piece of clothing I wear, I just imagine there to be fibres all over it. I imagine that the carpet is full of it and the rabbits collect it as we let them roam and then they're transferred to my sister as she holds them. I worry that my siblings will get cancer from inhaling the fibres on their pillow everytime they sleep at night because we wash everything together including the sheets. I'm from a low income family so there's nothing we can do to decontaminate or replace carpets or chuck out clothes. There's no way to solve this situation. Unless they adapt to avoid everything in the house but what a strange way to live in your own home.
I go to Uni in a couple of weeks and will be staying in a new build so all I feel is guilt at the fact they have another decade in a home I've probably filled with asbestos. Amongst all this, I'm undiagnosed but I've had almost every form of OCD. I really don't know what to do and I don't expect anyone to have the answers but I just need to talk to someone about it other than myself. I'm really sorry for putting this here, I realise this is a place for people going through serious situations in regards to cancer but I had no idea where else to go.