Wait for colonoscopy on NHS?

Hi all, newbie here!

I have been referred for a colonoscopy and just wondered approximately how long people were waiting at the moment? I was referred over 5 weeks ago and have heard nothing yet. Have blood and mucus in stools and suffer from anxiety so the waiting is a struggle. I have private health insurance but was told that there was no guarantee of having a quicker appointment if I used it, just more choice of dates. So I stuck with the NHS and just told myself not to panic but the blood is increasing and I'm really concerned :/

Thank you,


  • Hey Bob! I noticed you haven't had a reply just yet so I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and let you know your post has been seen.

    I'm sorry for how long you've been waiting for your colonoscopy. Unfortunately the pandemic has had a big impact on waiting times in some parts of the country which may be why you haven't heard anything yet.

    As you've noticed your symptoms are getting worse, it may be worth letting your GP know and asking them for an update on your referral. 

    Hopefully some of our members will let you know about their experiences soon but we'll have our fingers crossed an appointment comes through for you soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Steph! I managed to get in touch with the consultant's secretary and it's looking like not until October/November :/ I knew there was a backlog but no idea it would be quite so long! I read someone else on the chat had had theirs within a week so I was hopeful, but that's obviously the exception rather than the rule. Thank you so much for coming back to me.