Is it health anxiety or Cancer

Hi so first of all I want to apologise for my English I'm not from UK. So on 29th June 2020 I started to feel very bad stomach pain day before I noticed I have bleeding from bellybutton but it was just one time since 29th I had stomach pains and all sorts of symptoms for stomach or bowel cancer since then I have been calling doctors for 18 time a month they have been telling me it is just health anxiety I have done 6 blood test USG and 2 stool tests all of them showed nothing this is the toughest year of my life I couldn't even enjoy my 19th birthday because I was thinking only if I will die or something I also have experienced one sided headache and I don't know if it's tension headaches caused by health anxiety or brain tumour I lost the happiness in my life I feel empty and I don't know what to do in this situation to actually get back in my normal life 

  • Hi There

    I'm sorry you are going through this. It sounds like you are getting yourself in a real state about things. 

    You say though that you have had tests abd that they have all come back showing nothing is wrong. If I were yiu I would try and focus on that and if possible get into a more positive thought pattern.

    From the little I know health anxiety can bring with it a great number of physical symptoms which obviously just continues to add to your worry. 

    If you feel it is impacting your life, would it be possible for you to seek some counselling perhaps? I've read on here that some people have had reall success with CBT to ease health anxiety. 

    You are so young. It's such a shame for you to be feeling like this every day. 

    I wish you luck. Sarah xx