High FIT test


I'm 37 years old and my FIT result came back today at 400. 

I have a colonoscopy for Friday. I'm very worried that it's such a high number. Other than stomach cramps I don't have any other symptoms of bowel cancer. 

Has anyone else had such a high number and what was the outcome? 

  • All the best. Hopefully your results won't take too long. I had my colonoscopy in June, there were 20 biopsies taken and I still haven't received my results though I'm taking that as a good sign. 

  • That's a long time ago. Were you told when you would get a call about the biopsies? It looks good if you havent. We were told that we would get a call about it  in the next 5 to 7 days.

  • I was told I would get the results a few weeks after the procedure but it's been delayed due to covid though when I spoke with consultants secretary she said that if there was something wrong I would most likely know by now. 
    Hopefully all will be okay and you won't have to wait long. Maybe depends where you are from too in regards to waiting times. 

  • Thats probably it. Fingers crossed for you too.  Just really would like to know as I know he is so worried.

  • are u in uk.  what does numbers start at as mine came back at 10 and my anxiety is high 

  • Hi all,  

    My FIT came back last night and I had the number 400. My brother had colon cancer and I'm worried as I use naproxen and paracetamol daily and have done for many years.  

    Please can someone put my mind at ease? 


  • My hubbys has just come back at 400

    What did yours turn out to be if you don't mind me asking x 

  • Hubbys has just come back at 400. What was the outcome with yours if you don't mind me asking? 

  • Did you bleed every day ?

    Hubbys has just come back at 400 

    Maroon coloured blood every time he passes a bm for nearly 2weeks now

    Waiting for tests but worried sick 

  • Hi there, 

    It seems I have 2 ulcers, which is far better than what I thought it was. 

    I really hope your husband tests reveal something similar


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