High FIT test


I'm 37 years old and my FIT result came back today at 400. 

I have a colonoscopy for Friday. I'm very worried that it's such a high number. Other than stomach cramps I don't have any other symptoms of bowel cancer. 

Has anyone else had such a high number and what was the outcome? 

  • Welcome to the forum Richbrum although I'm sorry for the reason you're posting.

    Hopefully some of our members who have had similar results from their FIT tests will let you know how they got on soon but whilst you wait I just wanted to wish you all the best for friday.

    If you haven't had a colonoscopy before you can read up on it just here

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi,

    I've just seen your post and wondering what your results were from your colonoscopy if you don't mind me asking?

    ive had bleeding for a year and a half and some other symptoms and had a fit test a few weeks ago and the result was over 400, the hospital rang me last week to see if I could attend the next day and I'm now booked in for a colonoscopy in 2 weeks. I'm 38 and very scared but would rather know what I'm facing. 
    The consultant kept saying it was alarming but then that it could be haemorrhoids or a polyp. 
    Hope you are okay. 

  • Hi there,

    How did your colonoscopy go for you? My partner has fit result over 200 and going for colonoscopy tmrw.  He is 39 so we are very worried.


    Hope you are doing good

  • Hi,

    They diagnosed me with proctitis which they told me is a mild form of ulcerative colitis. They were able to give me medication for it and my bleeding has completely stopped. I had bleeding from my back passage for over a year and a half. I still get bloated at times when I'm anxious but on the whole, my condition is much better. The procedure in itself was awful for me, I thought I had a high pain threshold and I have had three children naturally so thought it would be okay. Everyone finds it different though as it depends on the shape of your bowel, the size of it and scar tissue etc. I have had gynae surgery a few times and they said that also makes it more difficult and painful. The good thing about the procedure is that they can normally see the reason behind your fit result and can sort the problem so you should find out tomorrow what is wrong. As much as I thought the pain was bad, it has sorted my problem out and would go through it again if I had to. Good luck tomorrow and just think this time tomorrow, it will be over with and you should have a diagnosis. 
    If there is anything else, ask away. 

  • His fit result is over 200 this is what is worrying me. Was yours that high?  This is what's worrying me. He has had bright red in his stool with 6 months. I've tried reading up on it but there are no answers.

    Thank you

  • My fit result was just over 400, I had been bleeding red/brown blood for over a year and a half. I also had really bad wind, bloatedness and would suffer constipation. 
    Bright red blood is actually a better sign than darker coloured blood. The main thing is that he is getting the test tomorrow and not having to wait any longer and hopefully he will get a result tomorrow and stop the bleeding. He will be awake all through it and once they have done what they have to, they will be able to show him what they've found as there is a screen up. I thought there was no way I would want to see but it's actually very interesting to be able to see where the problem was. 

  • Fingers crossed...So bright right is better ..hopefully he is telling me everything . He said the nurse told him on the phone with a fit result of over 200 it doesn't look good. Hopefully we will tmrw and that the outcome will be good. How are you doing with yours

  • Hi 

    So colonoscopy showed up one polyp in the rectum 25mm size they couldnt remove it because of the way it was stuck in the rectum.  So another procedure must happen. They think its benign from looking at it but we must wait for biopsy result. I'm scared it could be more as it's big.... but only one and in the rectum. We went public ...I'm wondering should we have gone private as he does have private health insurance.

  • At least he now has it out of the way and knows what has been causing the bleeding. Hopefully it will be benign and they get it sorted okay. You maybe could still go private, might be worth checking with the company he is insured with. 

  • Exactly.  Maybe we should wait for biopsy result and then depending on that decide private or public.... I wish they could be quick with biopsy result.