Waiting times for appointment


Please can anybody advise roughly how long I should be waiting to get a breast clinic appointment? 
I noticed my lump on the 6th Dec, saw my GP on the 14th and she sent a referral on the 15th, I was advised it would be within 2 weeks. But I know that due to Christmas and COVID that's wasn't going to happen, but would really like an appointment even if it is the end of January. 
I live in Wales so I know it's not a great situation, and I feel awful put pressure on an already stretch NHS. 

realkf appreciate any help or advise. 

  • Hi, waiting is the worst isn't it.  An emotional roller coaster.

    I live in Wales.  I went to the Dr with a swollen lymph node in my neck,  along with long term soar throat and enlarged tonsil.   I was sent to ENT which I was told would take up to 2 weeks.  I saw ENT exactly 2 weeks to the day. 

    ENT sent me for a CT scan which took only a week, CT was on the Friday 18th December 2020.  The following Tuesday I had a call to book me in for an ultrasound and MRI on 5th January 2021.  I also received a call from my doctor on Wednesday 23rd December explaining all that was happening. 

    Although different areas of the body I hope this gives you some idea.  Even my doc said, because they have found something, they're moving super quick.

    I know how you feel regarding 'putting pressure on the NHS' I felt the same its why I left it so long.  But they, being the brilliant NHS, don't feel that you are.  If you don't hear anything after a week give them a call.

    Hope this helps, even if just a little.

  • Thank you for your message, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply.

    The waiting is awful, I'm sure it's nothing, and I'm trying to ignore it . you get al your test done soon.


  • Hey there, I also live in Wales. I went to gp on 27 Nov with what I thought was a chest infection, was sent straight to hospital, had blood tests, ct scan, following day told I had cancer.. I saw specialist that week, had specialist scan and had my first round of chemotherapy on 22nd Dec, so all within a month.. stay positive. Xxx 

  • I phoned the department direct and asked for any cancellations. They phoned the next day with an appointment. 

  • Thank you for your reply, good luck with your treatment x 

  • Thank you for your reply, that's a good idea, I'm not sure what the department would be called?