Hpv abnormal cells come back

Hello i had been having irregular heavy periods then had a smear test where I was told I have abnormal hpv cells again and to wait a year to be tested again to see if the symptoms have cleared on the own. My periods have suddenly stopped for 2 x months which has never happend and  couldn't be pregnant. I'm concerned my abnormal sells may have developed?. 4 yrs ago I had hpv and had laser treatment. Should I contact my doctor for more treatment or wait a year?

Kind regards L. 

  • Hello LindaLizz

    I'm sorry to hear that you have some health problems at the moment. It would be sensible to contact your GP to discuss your concerns with them. They will be best placed to offer you some advice or arrange to see you if they feel it is necessary. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator