Lump on clavicle

Hi, new here but have been reading lots, looking for advice/reassurance.


I have had a lump at the end of my right clavicle, next to the base of the neck, for about 3 weeks now (at least that's when I first noticed it). It's about 3cm across, firm but moves a bit if I raise my arm.  I saw a doctor at the out of hours clinic last week, he said he didn't think it was anything dodgy, and to use Ibuprofen gel, he seemed to think it may be arthritis at the end of the clavicle causing swelling, and said to contact my GP if it was still the same after a week or so. I tried the Ibuprofen for a few days but it didn't  really make a difference.  I got a telephone appointment with my GP on Monday, described the symptoms and she said she was getting me a 2 week referral for an ultrasound, and I have blood tests on Friday.  I'm driving myself mad self diagnosing on Google, and just wondered if anyone has any reassurance for me.  I live alone, haven't got a job, so have far too much time on my hands.  I have just sold my house and will be moving soon, but can't even get excited about it as this lump seems to be all I think about.  Any help appreciated.



  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Sue.

    I'm sorry to hear that you found a lump at the end of youright clavicle three weeks ago and that this is, undersdandably making you worry. The good thing though is that you already took action and contacted the doctor.

    I can appreciate how stressful it is to wait until you have a chance to get your ultrassound but do try to busy your mind with other things if at all possible, stressing and consulting "Dr. Google" in these situations rarely helps.

    In the interim time if you feel like chatting with someone medically trained might help, our team of cancer nurses is available on this phone number 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator



  • Thank you for your reply and reassurance.


    I now have a scan booked for tomorrow afternoon, had blood tests this morning.  I am still very anxious, but trying to keep busy, it's not easy!


    I do have one question.  Would the person who is doing the scan be able to tell me there and then if there is a problem, or do I have to wait to find out when my GP gets the report?


    Thanks again for your help.




  • Hello Sue, 

    I am not sure to be honest but it is possible you might have to wait to find out that your GP gets the report. You could ask them to clarify this for you when you have the scan this afternoon. They will be able to tell you for sure. 

    Best of luck for your scan today!


  • Hello Lucie. 


    Thanks for replying to my post. I will enquire about when the doctor will have the results when I attend for the scan.  Fingers crossed all is well.


    Thanks again.














  • Update.


    I had the ultrasound scan this afternoon and the lady doing the scan said I have an inflamed right sternoclavicular joint due to osteoarthritic changes.  She is sending the report to my doctor.  


    Somewhat relieved that it's nothing more sinister, so will await doctor's advice on the inflamed joint.

