osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Millie, I’m not at all tech savvy but if you click the 2 red arrows next to the number of posts it usual takes you to the last ones. 
    Hope you had a lovely time away, we’re hoping to go sometime this year but have to get insurance and can’t do that till the haematology tells us if he’s ok, fingers crossed for that. Stomach cancer said he’s ok to go thank goodness. 
    Take care everyone xx

  • Hi Milly

    Sorry to hear you're having some issues accessing the most recent post in this thread. 

    As  has said, there should be a double pink arrow to the righthand side of the list of blue box page numbers at the bottom of the screen. If you click this pink arrow it should take you to the last post in the thread. 

    If you're still having problems then please do let us know so we can try and help. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • The way I get to the most recent replies is instead of clicking on the post you want to read, go along to where it says most recent replies it should then take you to the last comments for that post .I hope this helps .

  • Thanks for your help everyone- easy once you know how lol.

    still keeping the faith


  • Hi Sue,

    Just checking in to see how you are both doing?

    Also hope everyone else is OK.

    We are chugging along.

    keeping the faith


  • Hi Milly,

    Just had this email notification....the system is a bit different than before but looks like we are being notified. Good to hear from you, we are all ok and flat out working 7 day's a week (summer is when we make the money but it's 12 hrs 7 day's a week more or less for 3 months) - heat and humidity is difficult! Not sure if anyone noticed but me, Mum and my wife did a 10km beach walk for a local charity (as here on Spain there is no organisations like McMillan etc) and we managed to raise over 5,000€ which goes directly to local families who are going through the nightmare of a journey we've all been on. Not sure if I can tell you the link on here but there's photos of the charity walk and the people who raised the money - it's FB and Quicksave Gran Alacant Spain. Hope everyone on here is doing the best they can be doing and take care.


  • Hi Lee,

    Always lovely to hear from you. You are extremely busy which is good but I imagine the heat is hard. We are having lots of rain here. We did however have a lovely week in Salcombe- very lucky to have dry and sunny days. Kev continues to keep active and we try to make the most of each day. I will have a look on Facebook and well  done to you all in raising money and awareness of this dreadful disease. 

    still keeping the faith 


  • Hi Milly, lovely to hear from you and I also hope you both are doing well along with everyone else. Yes Martins fine ( I think) just waiting for his poo test to come back as on his 6 monthly blood test he’s low in iron so they’re just checking it’s nothing else. He did his 12  radiotherapy’s for his lymphoma and again waiting for results of that. We go see his stomach surgeon in a week or so but as he was ok last time fingers crossed he’s the same now. It always seems to be waiting for something. we wanted to try and book a holiday but like I said it’s the waiting.

    Im not sure why but cancer chat isn’t showing on my page and not a clue how these things work, it’s only with you answering it came on an e mail so got to it that way.

    Anyhow you all take care now, hugs Sue 

  • Hi Lee, I had a look on Facebook and found the group but only found photos of products making me want sweets lol

  • Hi Sue,

    I’m pleased that Martin is doing OK. Yes the waiting game is hard. I hope colonoscopy results are negative. Kev had to go for one last December and they found polyps which they removed. 

    I too only get notification when I get a direct reply but that was the same on the previous forum for me.

    Take care

    keeping the faith
