osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Milly, Lee and Doug,

    Thanks so much for posting updates, it's so great to hear from you all as it's been so quiet here !

    Doug that's fantastic news to see that you're now back out the other side again, well done you !

    Milly, so good to hear updates on Kev and sounds like he's doing well also - thank you.

    Lee, very jealous for the wonderful weather you're probably enjoying ... although that said, it's glorious here in the South of England today too. Hope you're enjoying a cold one and raising a glass to your Old Man, as always.

  • Good to hear from you Redski,

    My wife is in the UK for a few days and she keeps sending me pics...it's been a bit rough here of late.

    Always enjoying a cold one

    Take care


  • Likewise Lee, good to hear from you too mate.

    Means a lot that you're still around and keeping in touch with us all here, you're a good man !

    Have a great rest of the day ahead chap ...

  • Hi Redski,

    So lovely to read your post. How are you doing? Must be lovely to be near the coast in this weather. We are  in the middle and one of the places furthest from the sea. Although we do have a castle and there is a song about our market town, the castle and the sea! I wonder if you can work it out? 

    Lee I agree with Redski means a lot that you stay in touch.

    Hilts I hope all is well with you, your husband and your family.

    To anyone else reading this post I hope it helps to know you aren't alone.

    keeping the faith 


  • Likewise Milly, lovely to see your update on how Kev & you are getting on, thank you.

    I am OK too. I had my checkup last Wednesday with my surgeon and everything was good, thankfully. He reminded me that on 26th August, it'll be two years clear since I woke up from surgery with it all removed.

    Am still very thankful for this group, which kept me going whilst in the trenches and that you're still around now encouraging us all and any new travellers learning what's ahead !

  • That's good news Redski! Yes two year mark is quite a milestone - just keep everything crossed. 

    I do find it difficult to get my head around how each trust do things differently - not complaining just wonder why? My husband has seen his surgeon twice since the operation and the second time was because we asked to see him as I hadn't met with him since he was discharged. He was happy to see Kev but said we wouldn't see him again unless we needed too which I'm hoping we won't for the best reason of course. He was outstanding and always spoke to me during the 5 weeks Kev was in hospital. Kev has  his 'check up' with his consultant oncologist who is excellent.  He even said it could be a telephone consultation next time but Kev prefers to see him as do I to be truthful- it's the reassurance we need.
    We had such a long wait before treatment started 14 weeks - whilst all the tests etc were performed. Christmas and COVID added time and then the dpd test was delayed but despite that and everything that happened especially after the initial operation we are so thankful for the NHS and all the brilliant staff. Our bodies are extremely complex and we are lucky to have a healthcare system. I, like  everyone just hope whoever is in Government looks after it and all the marvellous staff. 

    Take care,

    keeping the faith


  • Hi Lovely people, I thought I’d update a bit on Martin, he had a total Gastrectomy in Jan if you remember me saying, he didn’t have chemo before or after cos of his age 79, ( hospital don’t give it for stomach or Osophagus cancer to over 75s) he also has kidney cancer (that’s where the stomach cancer and Lymphoma cancer was picked up on his yearly scan)  Kidney cancer was 5 years ago and urology just phoned up to say he doesn’t want to see him again, so that’s good.
    Hes  doing well stomach wise I think, his weight goes up and down which is a bit worrying for me, he hasn’t got to anywhere near the weight he was to start with, he’s eating ok-ish but I’m sure he could eat a bit more if he tried!,. His staging for the stomach cancer is Pt3 M0 N0 G2 V0 R0. He also gets a taste in his throat. 
    At the moment he’s having 12 sessions of radiotherapy for his lymphoma in his groin, 3 more to go this week then that’s it and hope it’s done the job. 
    The worry we have is his poo/ stools it’s a grey colour, not sure if it’s anything to do with radiotherapy ( he’ll ask tomorrow but their not all that knowledgeable, they just make sure you’re laying in the right place) we did google and could be something to do with the bile duct, been as he hasn’t a stomach it’s bile he gets instead of acid but would it make your poo grey?  Think he may have to try and I say try to get to see his doctor. Redski been as you’ve had the same op have you any Idea.

    Hoping you’re all doing well and enjoying this lovely weather .Thanks for reading. Sue xx

  • Hi Sue ! Really glad to hear the update on Martin and that it sounds like he is doing brilliantly ! Pass on my congrats please !

    Dont worry about the weight going up and down, mine does too based on what I eat across a day … as I don’t get hungry anymore without a stomach I can lose a bit in a day if I’m not on point with my Wife reminding me to eat between meetings etc !

    What did they say about the grey poo @ his radiotherapy appointment ?

    I didn’t get grey poo, no but mine definitely changed colour post op and went super light brown / sandy for a fair while afterwards and has settled back to normal gradually over time so I think colour change post Total Gastrectomy probably isn’t uncommon then !

    All OK this side too, thank you … although feeling very English complaining that it’s too hot !

    Hope the rest of the gang, Doogreg, Lee, Milly and Hilts are all OK trucking along too … it’s been quiet in here !

  • Thanks Redski, it’s reassuring to know you’re around if I have a problem. I’ll try not to worry about his weight so long as he doesn’t lose too much, we still have the dietitian phoning up every couple of months and she seems ok with him. As for the grey poo it resolved it’s self in a few days, he did ask radiotherapy people but they said the only symptom would be and has been a change in going to the toilet and not the colour, anyhow that’s fine now..

    Yes it’s been very quiet on here for a while now, I bet Millie and Hilts are away on holiday or at least I hope that’s why they’ve not been on here for a while. Hope the rest of you is doing ok as well. Take care all xx

  • Hi Sue, Redski, Hilts, Doug, Lee and everyone else,  

    I’m pleased to read your husband is doing well. I wasn’t sure on all the letter meaning but 0 is definitely good! Redski is a good source of information having had a Gastrectomy. Fingers crossed Kev continues to make progress. We have been away during June but the reason I’ve not been on here is the difficulty in getting to the most recent post on here without needing to scroll through them all! Any tips including from the moderator would be appreciated. Thank you.

    I hope everyone else is chugging along and able to make the most of the better weather and lighter nights. I’ve just watched Murray lose - I was there on centre court  10 years ago with my sister when he won The Final. 

    I wish everyone well who is reading this post. 

    still keeping the faith
