osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • I have a question if anyone would know the answer. The little build up drinks that you're given when you come out of hospital...Martin has had them all and wondering if you buy them or get them on repeat prescription or does the dietitian give you more, or do you not bother with them?  It's 3 weeks since his op if that makes any difference. He had his stomach out.

    We went to see the surgeon yesterday but histology wasn't back so none the wiser yet but he did get his feeding tube out.

    Hope you all good and your holiday Millie sound amazing,  we're used to holidays but can't see one happening for a long time yet.

    Take care xx

  • Hi Sue,

    You sound like you are both doing well. Great news his feeding tube is out too!
    Kev had Fortysips in all the flavours - some better than others. Your dietitian should arrange a prescription. Kev was issued a months supply but we didn't take them all as because he was in hospital for a long time by the time he came home,  after his third operation,  he was eating more. 

    Thanks it was wonderful-  I never thought we would go to the Caribbean but we did. Keep going  - the nights are getting lighter and spring will soon be here! You will do it! Our first holiday was a wonderful cottage in Windermere. Home from home is a great way to get away. We are going in a cottage to Stratford upon Avon for Kev's 65th all being well. Everything crossed. 

    keeping the faith 




  • Hi all - hope all is wel  ok love 

  • Hi all - just to let you know that, unfortunately my cancer has spread into the bones, kidney and lymph's - after all that fight, but will try and make the most of what there is left. I am already in the hospice so not expecting it to be long Thank you all for all your help and endless encouragement, during the last almost 2 years.  I wish you every help and success and that you get completely cured from this terrible disease 

    Love Andi xxx

  • Dear Andi, I hope you're holding up okay. I was so sad to hear your latest update, but at the same time, am in awe of your bravery and positivity. You continue to be a source of inspiration for me and so many others, and I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to us all here ! Your updates and journey have been a true testament to the power of your spirit, and your infectious positivity is a ray of hope for us all.

    You know that you are not alone in this journey. There are so many people here in Ray B's club of roller coaster riders who are supporting you, cheering you on, and sending you love and positive energy as well as your wonderful family and friends in your corner too. Your strength and determination are truly inspiring, and we are all behind you every step of the way.

    So keep fighting, keep smiling, and keep walking forward. You are a true warrior and a shining light, and we are honored to have you here. Sending you huge positive vibes, keep shining bright !

  • Oh Andi I'm so very sorry to read your post, I don't really know you as not long joined but feel so very sorry it turned out the way it has. Redski has said it perfectly, I just want to send you love and big hugs, I know it won't help but I'm thinking of you. Xxx

  • Hi Andi,

    I am so very sorry to read your post. You have fought so hard, been so brave and positive and have helped us all in this group, including those who may not have posted. Acknowledging that your cancer has spread must be so difficult and your bravery and thoughts for others shines through in your message. Please know that our thoughts are with you to keep going and as you say make the most of each day. 




  • Ohhh Andi.
    That has just brought a lump to my throat and my eyes are a bit burny. What can I say, not much I guess. Redski pretty much nails it I think.

    None of us have ever (knowingly) met, but we all, I think feel that we know each other and have ridden this rollercoaster together.

    Stay comfy and warm fellow traveller

    Hilts xx

  • Hi my lovely's, I wasn't sure if I should post this after Andis sad news but thought I would.

    Martin got his histology results today after stomach removal ... All margins clear, grade and stage 2, they took 22 lymph nodes and all clear. He didn't have chemo before or after so not really out the woods but to us it's as good as it gets.  We start on the Lymphoma again in April. 
    Im hoping Martin will soon be a bit more interested food as at the moment he's not.

    Good luck one and all and hugs to you Andi xx

  • Hi Redski and everyone, a couple of questions if I may, Martins eating a bit more now but still losing about a lb a week is this normal and how long do you keep losing weight for. He's also had a chest infection so that hasn't helped, one day he's ok next he spends on the bed. He 79 and had his stomach removed 11th Jan just in case you've forgot. Thanks xx