osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Mmmm - the mind boggles heehee xx

  • LoL

    The godfather - when the horses' head is put in the bed ! (:

  • Hi again [@Hilts]‍ , [@Milly58]‍ and all you good people.

    Well we went to see the surgeon today, well his understudy and was told he has 2 years to live without the operation by using chemo / radiotherapy.

    If he can have the oparation it'll be tough. He won't be having chemo before or after because of his age 79. He has his staging laparoscopic tomorrow and IF there's no scar tissue from having his kidney out 4 years ago . IF the Limphoma surgeon says his radiotherapy can wait a few months and IF there's no spread he can have the operation at Notts, (has anyone had it there) 

    So tomorrow it's a day at Lincoln hospital for staging.

    At the moment I'm just numb and really hoping for some reassurance from  you all and what do you think about the operation and no chemo providing it can go ahead.

    Thanks xx

  • Hi Sue, Hilts, Andi and everyone,

    Sue - We on here know what uncertainty and the feeling of being overwhelmed  feels like so all your feelings are to be expected. Re chemo - every patient is different and it could be that the tumour is small enough to operate on without it. What I think we'd all say is that they don't do this operation lightly as it's a big one so your husband must be pretty fit at 79 to be considered for it. The good thing is you appear to be on a fast track as the waiting is  just awful. Some on here didn't have post op chemo as either they didn't need it or weren't offered it for various reasons. Everyone is treated as an individual. I hope you have some good news today. Re Hospital there are two in Nottingham. I know on this forum understandably they don't allow you to say which hospital treated you. 

    Everyone thanks for your good wishes for my husbands procedure today. Great news - no cancer but found 3 small polyps which were removed but they don't believe they are pre cancerous. Absolutely relieved doesn't cover it. My husband was so good at keeping calm, taking the medicine and getting it done. No sedation so I'm now off out with ex work colleagues later (which I had cancelled) as I wanted to make sure Kev was OK. He's now having a lie down as he was up at 4 am to drink the galopy mixture. 
    Again this forum helped me to sound off as we didn't tell anyone.  We did tell our sons he was going for a colonoscopy but not until 2 days before as we didn't want them worrying. 

    keeping the faith for everyone 


  • Millie

    yyyyyyaaaaaaayyyyyyy xxxxxx

    i am soooooo pleased for you ( and Kev of course) I hope he 'enjoyed' his bowel prep- frankly a hideous idea (: and experience- I remember it from back in my nursing days - Sunday evening was pre op night ergo bowel prep night! Back then the whole ward was given it !  I think I would say it always worked well LOL.

    Time for another amazing holiday for you I think xx

    Keep keeping that faith and onward 

    Hilts x

  • Amazing news Milly, fantastic for Kev and yourself and you deserve that night out tonight ... whilst he deserves the lie down on the sofa watching the football !


  • Hi all,

    Thanks and yes Hilts Caribbean in January! 

    Still keeping the faith for everyone 


  • Caribbean sounds amazing Milly and much deserved !

    We are off to Cyprus for Xmas with the In Laws.

    They emigrated there 8 years ago and I haven't seen them in 3 years now because of covid initially, then my treatment last year and being immunosuppressed ... so, it's my first holiday and time away abroad for 3 years - am really looking forward to it now.

  • Fabulous Redski a well deserved holiday for you all too! Have a wonderful time!

    keeping the faith
