osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Milly

    Life certainly throws it at you - but you are soooo strong - keep positive - everything crossed for you both.   Keep us in the loop - we feel like family now.  The next couple of weeks will seem like months but praying for good results.

    Hilts - is your hubby having a hernia op??  My hernia is pushing my lungs and heart and now affecting my daily life. My consultant wants to operate early next year as I have a family holiday booked in January- but am finding it hard to cope now so things may have to change - grrrrr!!!  Unfortunately it's major surgery but he is going to try keyhole using a robot - beam me up Scotty???? 50/50 chance. 

    anyway - keep in touch. -  keeping the faith 


    Andi xxx

  • Thanks Andi,

    Yes we have had more than our share over the years. 30;years on November 1st since our youngest son died aged 3 1/2 months. Kev is knocked by this as we really did think the test would be fine.

     He's just gone to the gym for his active recovery and I'm just going swimming. The original appointment was on 9th November to discuss the Colonoscopy but as I said at a different hospital as it was part of the national screening test. So moving it has increased the wait but we feel it's better to stay with the hospital where he had his Oesophagectomy so now 22nd November for the initial consultation. 

    I'm sorry to hear that your hernia is causing you more problems and you need another operation. I hope that you are able to go on your family holiday and have the operation. Keyhole is quicker at healing and I have everything crossed for you.

    keeping the faith for us all,




  • Hi Milly 

    You have had some really hard times - just cannot imaging losing a baby. At least it's only 10 days now to your appointment - everything crossed for you   I was rushed in on Monday - home now for 3 days then back in on Sunday evening for surgery early on Monday. Dreading it but it is getting more difficult/painful to breath - I am very lucky that my consultant can do the operation so soon. Hoping for keyhole/robot surgery - 50/50 chance!!  The hernia is pushing on my heart and lungs. Really fed up as can't really do anything - but just have to cope 

    Anyway - keep us in the loop and keep keeping the faith 

    Andi xxx

  • Hi Andi

    Thank you and yes everything crossed. We are currently away so that's good as it's taking our minds off it. 

    I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so poorly but I'm pleased that the consultant has acted quickly and your operation is soon. Hoping everything goes well for you and according to plan. Keep us posted when you feel able. 

    keeping the faith for everyone 



  • Hi hi, 

    yep keep chugging on - what else can we do eh gals xx


  • Hope surgery went OK today Andi

  • Hi Andi and all,

    I hope your op has been successful and you are recovering.

    Kev has his colonoscopy booked for 6th December so everything crossed. He had his appointment with Bowel screen on Tuesday and has instructions etc for prep. Omcology doctor yesterday who was lovely and examined him thoroughly. Now it's the 'waiting' again. At least we can get out. Everything crossed that all is well.

    Sending positive healing vibes to you Andi.

    Hilts/Redski hope you are 'chugging' along.

    Keeping the faith for everyone 


  • Hi Milly 

    Just out of hospital - they managed to do keyhole but was more difficult than expected an took 7 hours. I'm very sore and tired and feeling very down. Just want to feel better

    Fingers crossed for 6 December 

    Andi xxx

  • Hi Andi,

    Pleased to here that the op went ahead and was keyhole. You will be sore as it's the same op on the inside but still a better option. I'm not surprised that you are fed up anyone I would be. You will get better. You got through the other massive op and hospital stay for 9 weeks with added complications so you will get there. Be kind to yourself and I'm sure your family are helping out. It's natural to feel down after any op never mind what you've been through. One step at a time again. On a positive you can have visitors now. 

    Sending healing hugs and please keep us in the loop. 

    keeping the faith 



  • Thank you Milly xxx. Always positive xxx