osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Lee,

    Yes they are happy fingers crossed and all that. 
    I didn't realise that you had a family business in Spain. You really have had a tough time Lee. I am pleased to her that yiu all have a focus to get you through the difficult days and that business is increasing. Still early days for you all. 

    Great that you are doing a walk for a cancer charity. Your mum will appreciate everything that you are both doing. Again something positive. I imagine it's hotting up in Spain. Take care. 



  • Hi Milly, yes we've had a family business here for 18yrs. With COVID and brexit in particular, the last few years have been worse than you could imagine.

    We are only 5 m8ns from Alicante airport, so if you or anyone else are ever flying in, please stop by and have a coffee.



  • Hi Lee,

    Yes a lot of uncertainty has been created without all what happened to your dear dad.  Thank you and yes if we do fly there I'll definitely be in touch.


  • Hi Milly

    Sounds like good news all round - hope MRI scan is OK. No appointment for your hubby for 6 months - brilliant. I think I still put the car on auto pilot for the hospital. I'm still waiting for Pulmonary Rehabilitation - no 24 on the list now!!  Managing to sleep without so many pillows - and going to Turkey next Sunday - bit apprehensive but excited

    Still keeping the faith

    Andi xx

  • Hey y'all,

    I reckon we have all developed some sort of ESP. I was thinking earlier " oh, I'll check in as haven't for a while- and seems others are doing the same,

    Good to see you Lee- and good to see you are keeping that faith and doing your Dad Proud xx

    Millie- good good- onward steps

    Andi- yay , nice one, warming the bones in Turkey- "told ya" little by little , it gets better. 

    Why  did I check in - weeeell. No doubt you will ALL  be familiar with the saga of the cough!!! Been through loads of 'specialist' stuff etc etc, but of a mystery, but nothing dodgy. I thought back to my ancient nursing days and asked husband- has anyone actually listened to your chest! Um, no I don't think so he says. So , off to the GP for a standard chest listen....low and behold, she could hear some crackles. Antibiotics for 7 days and although my fingers arms and legs are crossed- stopped within 48 hours- so what he actually had was a plain old chest infection!  Don't  get me wrong , if it wasn't for super high tech stuff he wouldn't be here, but seems no one though of a very basic thingy. So all the scar tissue stretches might have been useful, but a good old listen to the chest might have been all that was needed! 
    I would imagine chest infections are pretty standard after this type of op and new plumbing arrangements- which with his eating habits, frequently bubble over !
    So, peaceful here for now 

    keep that faith y'all

    Hilts xxx

  • Oooo Hilts - so pleased the dreaded cough has been sorted - peace xx

    Andi xx

  • Hi Andi and Hilts,

    Fabulous news that you are sleeping better and that you are off to Turkey! Apprehension isn't unusual  and actually I think many people are more apprehensive than normal without what you've been through. However you will be absolutely fine! We booked an airport lounge which included express security and it made us relax more plus it's 5 o clock somewhere for a glass of something lol. Whatever you do I'm sure it will do you the world of good and another step in the right direction!

    Hilts - hopefully you've found the source of the problem and as Andi said peace at last and it must be tiring for your husband too. Did you say he had decided to finish work this year? 

    Our next adventure is the European road trip fingers crossed in July.

    still keeping the faith






  • Thank you Milly - good idea to get an airport lounge - will look into that. European road trip sounds amazing - very envious!

    Andi xx

  • Sorry Guys, its been a long time since I last posted, so must be making a great recovery

    I hade my operation 21st November 2021, after a couple of set backs I stareted to feel like my old self around March 2022, was eating steaks and managed to avoid many episodes of dumping.

    However, a gtrip away with work resulted in me getting food poisoning, not ideal when my stomach is half the size it was and my digetstive system still being  a tad immune suppresed.

    To cut a long story short I lost a couple of stone over a six week period, *in the words of the surgeon, for  "normal" person it would be over within a couple of weeks at most, for me it would be twice as bad.

    My doctor also said that because of the size of the stomach and lack of acids/normal good bugs I will always be susceptible, but with time it will settle down.

    Moral of the story, is take care with what you are eating, make sure you clean your hands etc.

    Hope everybody else is ok

  • Hey Tipo.

    Very very please to see you are out the other side. Clapping emoji xx

    Your recovery phase seems pretty good. It is a strange ole thing- little by little and bingo feeling so much better. You now need the 'sports car' and mega holiday to warm those bones (:

    Make sense with the gut rot- as all fellow travellers know, acid is a scourge, but very useful at times. Maybe after living in Egypt, that's what caused his ' overly useful acid' . Took about 6 months gut  wise to recover from that (:

    The cough- finished antibiotics on Monday- remains quite! who would belive after all the major stuff , it was that simple( fingers x - not tempting the old fate)

    Keep keeping that faith folk

    Hilts x