osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Andi, Hilts and everyone 

    So pleased to hear that you've made it on holiday to Scotland Andi! Great you've booked Turkey roo. We are just on our way home from the airport after two weeks in Sorrento to celebrate my 60th. We've had a fab time! 

    Hilts interesting re carbs - I'll pass that on as no dumping this last two weeks and thinking about it he's had less carbs. He can eat bread but just smaller amounts. Limoncello was fine as were the local beers lol. Hospital appointment tomorrow for routine check up. How is your husbands cough as it sounds like it's less persistent fingers crossed. 

    Still keeping the faith



  • So pleased you've had a great holiday  -  definitely'moving on'. I'm sure your appointment tomorrow will be routine. How long since surgery??

    Andi xx

  • Hi Andi,

    His first Oesophagectomy surgery was on 4th May, 2021 second emergency surgery was on 11th May. Third planned emergency surgery was on 1st  July. Post chemo started beg August. 2021 after 3 major ops in 8 weeks! A year in total from diagnosis to being told 'visibly clear' in October 2021 Fingers crossed for tomorrow but no scans etc needed hopefully. 

    Keeping the faith still for everyone 



  • Hi Milly 

    What an ordeal - so glad things are better for you - the NHS is amazing.  My surgery was 29th September - so 5 months later but as things went horribly wrong, I was in hospital for 10 weeks and couldn't have post op chemo!! Never thought I'd be as well as I am.

    Andi xx


  • Hi Andi,

    Yes it was an ordeal as he was doing so well until they removed the last drain and it caught a blood vessel and caused internal bleeding which was very small so didn't show up on the x Ray. He became critically ill the following day and was taken back into theatre to find out what was happening. They saved his life but like you he then developed further complications which led to a 3rd planned emergency operation on his left lung. At one point he was told he wouldn't be able to walk up the high street but his surgeon ensured he was given the chance to have the last operation. They are amazing -  it is a massive operation with big risks but like you say you've both come through it thanks to the NHS staff. I remember you being in for 9 weeks and your great granddaughter was born. You have done incredibly well Andi x

    keeping the faith


  • We have all done well - this site has been a godsend - but the NHS are wonderful xx

  • Hi Laura,

    Sorry to hear of your husbands diagnosis,  my son is in the same position, he's 37 with 2 children under 4. To say they were shocked is an understatement. He has had 4 rounds of flot which he managed quite well nausea was abit of a problem and lost some facial hair but not completely which came back when he finished his 4 rounds. He has found the mental side hard to deal with as he got quite emotional during chemo. He unfortunately cannot have the op as his has spread to his spine but has just started a 2nd round of flot. My advice would be ask your oncologist everything you need to know and write the questions down as sometimes you forget when you get in there. Just be there for each other and talk out any worries don't bottle it up.

    Good luck to you both on your journey and I'm here if you have any questions and will try to answer if I can .

  • Hi Meltra44,

    As a mum of sons I really feel for you too. It's such an overwhelming diagnosis. I won't repeat my reply to Laura but I wanted to say your support to your son and his young family will be invaluable. It's hard being the onlooker. If we can help with any questions or you want to just rant please feel free this is a safe, non judgemental group of OC patients and their family.

    keeping the faith (this is a mantra by Hilts and I can't sign off any other way now!)


  • Hi all,

    Just checking in to see how everyone is on their respective paths. I hope your breathing continues to improve Andy.  My husband is still doing the Active Recovery through NHS. 

    My husband went to see the consultant Oncologist on 25th May and was told his next appointment will be in six months (fingers crossed). I have, at last, got my MRI scan booked for my ankle which I broke last year just as Kev was starting post op chemo! 

    Keeping the faith for everyone 



  • Hi Milly, good to hear your positive news, I guess 6 mths means everyone is happy how it's all going.

    We are starting to pick up now in the shop after 2 yrs of no trade.

    Me, my Mum and my wife are doing a 10km sponsored charity walk this Saturday 18th starting from el campilo along the front - it is for a cancer charity that was set up in the name of a lady (by her Mum) who died of cancer in her thirties.

    There is no support group in Spain like McMillan back home, so any little charities are really helpful.
