osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hiyah all,

    How're you getting on Andi ? Scotland all go OK and CT scan all good ?

    Hope everyone is OK too.



  • Hi Redski

    Good to hear from you - yes Scotland was amazing - very cold and wet but beautiful. Drove back from Perth yesterday - long 8 hrs as loads of traffic problems - but I did it. How are you?? Can you - or anyone - confirm if they are now able to eat bread post op?? I really miss it!!  I'm off to Turkey in 4 weeks - so getting a life back   Hope you are all still keeping the faith

    Andi xx

  • You too Andi ! And, so pleased to hear Scotland was amazing for you. Well done for doing the 8 hour drive too, you must realise now that you've come a long way (and I don't mean in miles travelling home!) and is so good to hear from a fellow journey-er.

    Yes, I can confirm I can eat bread ! Last time I had some was when I was down BFG's way having some mussels and they were served with bread to dip into the creamy, garlic sauce at the bottom of the pot. Have marmalade on toast at breakfast sometimes too.

    Give it a go. Things improve over time, stick with it. My surgeon told me to push myself with my eating and I've been through some bumps pushing myself with discomfort and sickness sometimes eating larger portions etc but it all helps expand everything. And, the other week we went out for a curry on my birthday and I got through a couple of poppadoms, a chicken tikka balti, garlic naan, ice cream and two pints of cola and was OK ! He scoped me a week or so after in my check up and said that through pushing myself I've expanded my small intestine (I had a gastrectomy, not Ivor Lewis, so have no stomach at all!) from the size of a tennis racket grip diameter to the size of an inside trouser leg - which is why I'm able to eat more now !

    Also he emphasised the importance of trying to get maximum calories from the smallest volume. And said that if I wake up in the middle of the night to have some ice cream ! The other day, I woke up at 2am for a wee and had a cornetto - haha ! All helps to put the weight back on post op !

  • This is soooo encouraging - I had mussels last week but didn't have the bread!!! I did try a curry but just a vegetable one and managed about half. I just hate it when I over eat and am sick - but I will keep trying to eat larger portions. Can't wait to eat a 'full' meal !! Will definitely try the midnight ice cream snack

    Andi xx

  • I hated the sickness too, but it definitely helped me out with being able to eat more and getting more back to normal with it all Andi so give it a try, push yourself and if / when you do get sick just remember it's your stepping stone to your final destination ! 

    Let me know how you get on with the midnight ice cream ! It's helped me put some weight back on !


  • Going ice cream shopping tomorrow xx

  • Hello I wanted to share a great book I got for People struggling to eat . It was from e bay only £10. 
    it gives you recipes for all different types of foods even various of texture . 
    hope this helps . 
    the soups are delicious .

  • Thank you - will have a look x

  • Hello y'all

    Very quiet on here recently! Even me - now that is rare (:

    Hope you are all keeping that faith xx

    Andi47- from my experience- well his- it is really a case of trial an error. Really a case of eat it and see what happens! . For him Rice is an absolute no no, but pasta is okay- go figure we can't! He gets appalling dumping after rice. Bread ,he's half and half. Toast , 1 slice, early in the day is okay, but anything later than about 12, it 'hangs about' and he will then start coughing. Same with potatoes. Those 'complex carbs' are really tricky. 
    what he does best with is meals with no ' cloggy' stuff. So on Saturday he had trout , mussels, small amount of veg, followed by 3 ! Scoops of ice cream. No dumping/ coughing. He will also go for things like steak, casseroles, curries. Usually protein heavy Doesn't cut the stuff up small , just as you normally would. Also if you're out for food, he sometimes goes for 2 starters, just about the right size.

    Glad you made it away, once you've done it once and you managed, there will be no stopping you now xx

    Take care and keep keeping that faith

    Hilts x

  • Good to hear from you Hilts - and a huge thank you for the 'tips'!! I also can eat pasta but not rice but OK with potatoes!!  Haven't really tried bread as even a tiny bit - and I'm sick but will keep persevering!! Just love fresh bread!!  Hadn't even thought about steak or any 'dense' meat!! Will give it go now - just thought it would need chopping into mince!!  So good to hear other journeys. Keep keeping the faith everyone 

    Andi xx