osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Millie, 
    Glad you got away too xxx. I need another holiday now, and don't talk about the washing!!!! and back to school chaos arrrg. But these days I kinda don't mind getting a tad wound up  by the to'ing  and Fro'ing of daily life, considering what we've been through, but I am quite glad (for now) to be growling at trivia!


    Orange county was indeed full on !! We all went on vomit inducing rides- arg. He 'lovingly' reminisced that old chemo made him feel worse! Nothing was as bad as that he claimed- children of course just shook it off. Me, Well let's just say NEVER, EVER , AGAIN! I really really never ever want to go on another rollercoaster ( including this one (:
    There we're absolutely no covid restrictions whatsoever across the pond, which for me/us is great, I popped into a shop on return ,as you do ,for milk and wondered why people were wearing masks! Being away made it almost feel like the last 2 years never happened! 
    I also feel a bit weird posting good stuff, but like you, I hope it offers others some kinda hope that things can be okay (for now- I always have to say that, tempting fate n'all) 

    Hope you gave your bones a good warm up. I certainly did-  a real good ginger tan- freckles, bites & blisters ! I do love the US , everything in pounds, Fahrenheit, feet etc. they were complaining about 'gas' being 3 dollars a GALLON! If only.....

    Anyhows, schools out and tea needs doing.

    take care and keep keeping the faith



  • Hi Milly, hope you're well.

    Did you mention your Husband was part of a patient support / mentoring group / programme now ?

    If so, is it NHS and do you know what it's called ?

    Thank you !

  • Hi Redski,

    Nice to hear from you and I hope you are continuing with your recovery. Yes he is the patient representative for the pre hab meetings which Involves different representatives that are involved in the cancer pathway treatment. It isn't mentoring. I'm sure you've heard of the Oesophageal patient society which may offer mentoring.

    We have also been fortunate to access a specialist cancer  clinical psychologist who has really helped with the emotional trauma of such a huge operation etc. Maggies  charity can offer counselling.

    My husband has a mentor through a friend of a friend who had the operation 3 years ago and went back to work after 9 months to his job as a police officer. He's had ups and downs but is still working and getting on with life.

    Hope this helps??!

    keeping the faith 


  • Hi Milly, thank you for the comprehensive response - it certainly does help.

    I want to offer to help doing similar, but wasn't sure what to ask for or call it when speaking to my CNS to put myself forward and offer the help, encouragement and insight to others starting out and walking through the journey.

    So I know now to offer it up as a patient representative for the pre hab treatment - thank you !

  • Hi everyone,

    Just thought I'd say it's a year today since my husband's Oesophagectomy. As those who have been with us on this journey know it was a snakes and ladders board for a few months but a year on from the original op so far so good - fingers crossed.

    Keeping the faith





  • That's brilliant news. I wished my partner had the option to have an operation, sadly he's stage 4 incurable . At the moment he's in a lot of pain as he had a stent fitted. But because the tumour is so big it's pushing it causing him a tremoudous amount of pain. 

    I prey and wish for him I do . 

    Good luck to you both of you on your tough journey.

    I wish a positive outcome for you both. 

    Take care x 

  • Hi Milly

    That's great - gives us all hope   I'm 7 months now - up early as have early CT scan today - third appointment this week but off to Scotland for 2 weeks tomorrow.  If I cope with that OK I think I'll be brave enough to go abroad   Still very breathless but slowly improving

    Thank you all for the encouragement and support xxx

    Andi xx

  • Hi Rusty1,

    Thank you for your kind words. OC is such a terrible diagnosis. I hope your husband can access some better pain management. Has he been offered chemo?

    Keeping the faith 


  • Hi Andi,

    I hope your scan is Ok.  So happy to hear that you are planning to go to Scotland. Yes a step at a time. pleased to hear your breathing is steadily improving.

    The rules have relaxed a lot on forms etc which makes going abroad less onerous but we do have some fab places in the UK to visit. My mum used to say that we were lucky to live on an island with islands around us. I remember as a kid going to the Isle of Wight (which I still love) and feeling like I was 'going abroad'. Happy days.

    still keeping the faith


  • Hi Milly

    Definitely a lovely island we live on. My mum and dad retired to the IOW -  Shanklin - so many happy times there. My daughters spent a lot of their school holidays on the island so very fond memories

    Andi xx