osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Not so good news today. Doctors have seen minor frontal bleeding in my Dads brain which might have been caused by his high blood pressure, or the bleeding in his brain may be what's causing his high blood pressure but it's yet to be investigated :| 

    Has anyone else experienced this? Or heard of this? Or is it just bad luck :(

    Poppycake x

  • Hi Milly,

    Yes, two visitors allowed per day but only close family members e.g. wife and kids :)

  • Hi Poppycake,

    I am sorry to hear you've had some worrying news. I'm afraid none of us on here are medical experts and I haven't had experience of this type of bleed so unable to  offer any advice. The best people to talk to are the doctors. I'm glad you are able to visit so you should have access to speak to them more easily. I have to say my husband's surgeon and team were excellent at keeping me informed but very different over the phone. 

    I hope you get some answers and your dad stabilises.

    Keeping the faith


  • I am off to hospital on Wednesday at 0700 hrs for my operation (Ivor Lewis) scheduled for 0800 hrs. I don't mind saying I am a little scared. The surgeon has not spared any details of what the outcome can be, so I am hoping for the best  

    Will get back on here when I can to let you know how things are going.


    Trying to keep the faith.


  • Hi y'all, 

    well, take 2 weeks off and what a flurry! Now I'm back - where do I come - HERE!
    I see I come back to a mixed bag.

    BFG- mmm , what to say, not a lot, sometimes those ***** cells  don't seem to get the message that they need to do one ! Don't you think of going off anywhere anytime soon and keep us up to date on your progress, we are all a bit 'thick as thieves' on here and have rode this coaster with each other. Sooo.

    Mahnfy-How to put this simply- chemo is foul.  You could be describing anyone of us on here. It is unpleasant at best. Yes, to most of what you've said. My husband was never actually sick, but the nausea was so bad that he had to have several reviews of his meds, finally the did work a BIT, but it never really went. As for other side effects and calling the response team , yes and yes. He had the lot , including a proper anaphylaxis!! We called the rapid response about 5-6 times for various things like temperature, blistering, tingling hand and feet, the list is endless, but guess what- all to be expected in this cell murder game ):. He was on. 14 day cycle. 4 pre op and 4 post op.  At his worst day 3-7 and then gradually getting over it before ground hog day again and again and again......As for the amount of tablets! Wow, probably about 20-30 a day at some points and a permanent/ in dwelling IV line for the whole 8 weeks and then another one for another 8 weeks. So you guys sound completely NORMAL. 

    Who mentioned chest infection/ pneumonia- oh yes. I think everyone on here has had this to varying degrees it is pretty 'common' after the type of surgery that is done, the lungs are really not best pleased about being deflated all have been treatable. An induced Coma / ventilation is as good a place as any for the body to be treated and gives it a bit of a break to focus on recovery. Seriously scary for the watchers, take a while to wean the bod off it too, but several war wounded on here have lived to tell a very good tale of recovery.

    It feels a bit crass to tell you what we've been up to, but it has been another piece of the 'moving on' ( for now!) jigsaw. 2 years ago we booked a no holds barred trip to Florida, to do all the bonkers things there. Then covid hit, our trip got cancelled and then just to put the icing on the cake the OC diagnosis followed. So to complete the circle (for now !) I was damned determined that we would go at some point- so we did and came home today. He did it, went on the most revolting sick making coasters and rides- if he got through chemo, no ride could match that nausea! Tramped around the parks in 90deg heat, ate utterly 'appalling' , so called 'unhealthy'  food (lovely food, we love), of course helped along by beer. I am so very proud of him, he was worried before going if he would be up to it , but he did it.

    Off to bed now , as a red eye flight overnight.

    keep , keeping that faith


  • Snaggie

    You can't hide from the fact that it is a scary op - you will be in the twilight zone for a couple of days in icu then back into the ward. They'll have you up on your feet before you can blink to get those lungs pumped up and working.

    And as you'll find on this chat, we've all made it to the other side - some relatively straightforward, others with some complications on the way but superbly managed by the team that will be looking after you. 

    You'll be on soft jelly and ice cream (yay!) then minced and moist (sorry to bring back memories for the others on this chat) before being sent home. 

    But the important thing is that we've all been through what you're about to go through - so don't be hesitant in coming forward with the most ridiculous sounding or gruesome questions.  And don't be surprised if it takes ages to type out a question or response - it took me  a ridiculous amount of time. Post op I only communicated with my partner and she communicated with everyone else - it saved a lot of time trying to update everyone. 

    We'll be with you in spirit!




  • Will be thinking of you Ivor - keep keeping the faith xxx

  • Hi Snuggie,

    I hope your op went to plan and you are beginning to recover. Early days I know but the NHS staff are so dedicated. Please post when you feel able to. Sending healing hugs and positive vibes.

    keeping the faith


  • Hi Hilts 

    II'm so pleased to hear that you all had a fab time in Orange County! Florida is certainly a place to live the dream and after the nightmare you've all had a refreshing change. Well done to your husband and it's such a positive outcome to post. We all know that OC is horrendous and everyone has a different journey and outcome.  Like you,  I feel almost guilty posting about holidays ibut it's in the hope it helps give people hope if that makes sense.  4 pints kept me going in my darkest of moments and swimming in the north sea lol.

    We went to Tenerife but ours was definitely a chilled holiday but nonetheless a brave thing for my husband to do after all his 'extras'. I have also celebrated a milestone birthday! 60 years! So happy to reach 60 as my mum only got to 51 and her mum 49. My best school friend 54 band as you know our youngest son didn't even reach his first birthday so as we all know nothing in life is guaranteed. Our two sons and eldest son's partner took us both away to Shrewsbury for the weekend which was great and Kev and they had arranged a surprise party for my birthday yesterday which was so special to be with  family and friends who have supported us through tough times and not just the latest event as well as the good times. 

    Hope the reality of washing and school/work isn't to much of a bump back down to earth! 

    keeping the faith (which still helps me)



  • Hi BFG,

    Goid to hear from you. I hope you have found some answers to your questions too. Sending healing hugs and thoughts.

    Still keeping the faith for everyone 
