osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Yes, an awful situation for innocent people...I keep saying things can't get any worse for the last 2 yrs...but somehow they do 

  • Hi everyone,

    Just checking in after a week away in Yorkshire for my husbands 64th birthday. Our family came too so very special after all he has been through. He managed a few pints Hilts! How is your husband doing? Hopefully the cough is no longer such a problem after  'the stretch'! 

    Lee I hope you and your dad and family are able to enjoy the sunshine and the pesky kidney stones have passed.

    I think of everyone often and I hope reading some positive outcomes helps those on this path.

    keeping the faith for everyone 



  • Hi Milly !

    Happy 64th Birthday to Mr Milly !

    Sounds like a lovely celebration and must've been really special having everyone together after everything everyone's been through with lockdowns, covid and the roller coaster !


  • Hi Milly, good to hear you've had a good break.

    Unfortunately we have bad news. After a few weeks of my Dad constantly trying to be sick (only phlegm coming up) and not able to eat or really drink (except ice cubes), we ended up in emergencies a 4 times. The last time the CT scan showed although Dad has kidney stones, a new large tumor is causing the obstruction and this is the reason for not being able to swallow and constantly trying to vomit.

    Worse than this, the oncologist has now said there's nothing more they can do and have said Dad is best being kept 8n hospital and we are looking at weeks.

    Completely distraught and feel like we've all been ripped apart from the inside out.

    This last 2 years has been worse than a nightmare.

    My Dad is now on morphine so Al least he isn't in any pain.


  • Dear Lee

    i truly am so very sorry to hear this devastating news. Your dad, you and your family have been through so much this last two years.

    Just writing about your dad's situation must be so very difficult. My heart goes out to you all. Having lost my mum who was 51 to cancer I can empathise but no one truly understands how another person feels at such times. I hope you and your family have support too. We,in this group, are here for you even though we haven't met I feel I know you and care about you, your dad and family. 

    still keeping the faith for you all in extremely difficult times 



  • Dear Lee

    So sorry to hear your sad news. Words are not enough

    Andi xx

  • So sorry to hear your news,  Lee.

    God bless you all.   


  • Sad and sorry too, to hear this mate.

    Keep being the amazing rock that you have been for him on this journey, I've no doubt he is immensely proud of you Lee.

  • Aw, Lee, 

    What on earth can I say to you- fellow traveller and friend xx

    Your 'job' now I guess is to tuck him up and LOVE him up, you have ALL given it a fair crack and thrown everything at it, so no regrets and 'enjoy' the time you have xxx

    My mother in law has just 'checked out'. But it was a 'lovely' check out, in her nice warm bed, sun shining on her and just literally 'fell asleep'- sad of course, but 'nice' -send off this Friday. My relatives recently- honesty xx

    We are with you Lee xx


  • hi Millie & all the crew, 

    I've just posted to Lee, but thought I'd put a separate on to you for 'happier' stuff. It's strange, I feel genuinely upset about Lee's news. I feel such a strong attachment to you guys on this board, even though we have all never met!- when your husband was having all his 'extra's ' , I would be in the house, and it would 'pop into my head'- oh I wonder how he is??. What is it all about eh?

    I am glad you Kev is on the beer (: . We are all okay- all recently had covid( Jan), but now we all have minging colds- probably covid again, but hey ho- minor in comparison to the last 2 years. Sooo, he is coughing again, but the sound is 'different' - I told him - AGAIN- clear those sinus' out - as suggested by Doug- low and behold much improved again, so I think the stretch helped, but I think the problem is 2 fold, & psychosomatic,but try telling him that !!!!!, but I really do think (hope) the message is FINALLY getting through! One lives  in hope ( shrug emoji) 

    oh blimey- kids are 'demanding' my attention- arrrrg- no peace

    keep that faith folk, 

