Hard lump along jawline.. swollen lymph node??

Hi all


I have had a small hard lump just above my jawline on the right side of my face. Its been there a few years now and when I had a tooth removed on that side it wasn't mentioned after xray so I didn't bring it up. It would feel firmer and a little harder on occasion but has never given me any real pain. I suppose I'm just wondering should I be seeing about it and could it be anything sinister? I have never before as I suffer from health anxiety and am scared to receive bad news. 


Any advice would be appreciated. 


T xxx 

  • Hi Tc85,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. If this is something you're concerned about and that you feel is unusual, then it's always worth speaking to your GP, even if it's just to get some more information and peace of mind. Hopefully this will help to ease any worries.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator