Hi, I'm a 28 female and have some serious concerns about tonsil cancer. My healthy, non smoking dad has recently been diagnosed with tongue cancer and is currently undergoing treatment, so I feel like this also might be elevating my own health worries :/
For a few years I have been to the drs a few times over right-side neck pain concerns, alongside a lump on the right side of my neck too, and have always been reassured by GPs that it is muscular. However, over the past few months, my right tonsil has become swollen (about double the size of the left), inflamed looked and sore. I've been using a numbing spray when it gets bad, and if I turn my head far to the right, it really feels uncomfortable. I've also experienced some earache, also just on the right side. I'm starting to get increasinggly worried it could be something sinister. The left side (ear, throat and neck) is all completely fine.
Has anyone else experienced similar symptoms? I don't have any other health conditions, and other than my sore tonsil and on-off ear and neck pain, I feel fine in myself. I'm honestly thinking the worst though. I had a really bad bought of tonsillitis about 3 years ago, and I've been trying to convince myself it's linked to that (as I do recall it mostly effected my right tonsil) but I'm very doubtful that's the case.
I've got a GP appointment booked for Monday, in which I really want to get across how anxious and upset this is making me daily. But in the meantime, I'd really appreciate it if anyone has had or has similar symptoms and can share some advice or positivity about it, as I'm so worried.
Thank you, Sophie