Lump under tummy above bikini line

Hi I had a urinary tract infection last week and I have discovered a lump under my tummy going into my bikini line. I am bit scared it something serious. It's a bit tender when you touch it but when it calms don't you wouldn't know it their. I'm sure if its to do with my body recently having infection or a lump that has suddenly appeared. I'm bit worried but struggling with doctors appointment at mo because they are all remote and I'm scared it

could be something serious like cancer 

  • Hello CrazyKitten320

    I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with some health worries at the moment. We'd always suggest that anyone who finds a new lump speaks to their GP as they will be best placed to give you some advice. 

    I do hope that things settle for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator