Faint line on thumb nail

A few months ago i noticed a very faint and thin line on my thumb nail, so faint you couldnt always see it but it was there! I spoke to a gp and she said it wasnt anything to worry about but didnt know what it was? I wasnt too impressed with the awsner but took it anyway. A few weeks later i was still worried about it and called my gp practice again to soeak to ankther go, they too told me it wasnt anything to worry about and only to call back if it hets darker skip forward 3-4 months and i havent really paid too much attention to it but recently noticed that the line was definitely thicker. I call my gp practice again and this time the gp i spoke to is a skin cancer expert. He tells me that he isnt sure what it is but that he is going to put me on a two week referall which is only for cancers. This must obviously mean he think it is? Im just posting on here to ask if anyonr has an experience with this and what the outcomes where?

  • I'm sorry about the line on your thumb but I'm glad you managed to speak with a GP who is a skin expert and you've been referred for further investigation.

    It's completely normal to worry when you are referred to see a specialist under the two week pathway but I hope it helps to know that more than 9 in every 10 people who are seen this way will not be diagnosed with cancer. You can find out more about urgent referrals just here.

    We do have quite a few posts on the forum about this topic so hopefully some of our members who have experience of this will offer their thoughts and advice soon but whilst you wait I just wanted to wish you good luck and will have my fingers crossed for good news.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator