Itchy scalp with hair regrowth

Hi, most of my hair has started to grow back over the last few months but the last part is the front of my head and it is so itchy ,what would anyone suggest to use to ease the itchiness and does the itchiness stop once the hair has all grown back.


  • Hi Calamity and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I'm glad your hair is growing back although I'm sorry about the itchiness you're having to contend with in the process.

    Quite a few of our members have had similar issues so I'm sure some of them will be along soon to offer their tips and advice but in the meantime I hope this information on our website will help you to deal with the itchiness.

    Our cancer nurses are available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m if you'd like to get their thoughts as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Did you get any advice on this problem? My scalp

    is so itchy it's keeping me awake at night!!

  • Hi, no I didn't, but we are now in feb and it has finally stopped itching , the nurses said it could be just the new hair growth that was making it itchy, I was also getting itchy neck but they put this down to the chemo but this has also gone back not as thick but hair..

  • Thank you for getting back to me. I've ordered some things that have been recommended so hopefully something will work . It's only been 3 weeks since the end of my last chemo cycle and my hair is growing back so quick I think that's why it's so itchy. 
      Hope you are doing ok ? And thanks again

  • Hi, I did start to take antihistamine s which helped a little ,I was taking these for my nose as I lost all my hairs in my nose and it was running and I was sneezing all the time ,I used vasoline on my nose to try and stop dust and any Irratants  .

    just remembered my daughters used to put frozen peas on my scalp every now and then which did help and was a lighter moment in life made me laugh

    yes I'm doing ok ,if you want to ask any further questions please do happy to help