HPV & low grade abnormal cells


i was wondering if anyone has had my expericenve with this,I went for my smear in June and it came back I have HPV + Low grade abnormal cells I have always had normal smears. This was such a shock for me,been referred for a colposcopy but that was 30th June and still no appointment. I'm panicking that it's something sinister and I'm still no closer to an appointment as they have a backlog.


anyone been through similar that was ok to put my mind at rest 

  • Hi Becs and welcome to the forum.

    We have a lot of posts about this so I'm sure some of our members will share their advice and experiences with you soon but whilst you wait I just wanted to share some information we have about screening results and the colposcopy procedure on our website.

    I hope this helps to put your mind at ease but you're welcome to talk things through with one of our nurses on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator