Child with enlarged lymph nodes

Hello all, 

My first time posting so I'm sorry if I'm not doing it right!

I'll just get stuck right in and explain...

My son who is 3 years and 5 months has had an enlarged lymph node on the right side of his neck for around 4-6 months. It is not painful or hot or red, just like a marble under the skin. He's never had anything like it when unwell but at first I did think, 'Ah its winter, he might have a bug' and waited for it to go down... it only got bigger and I thought, 'I must get it checked out' but then lock down happened and 3 months went past in a blur. About 4 weeks ago I realised he had a second lump come up under the first. I called the GP who wanted him to have a face-to-face appointment where on inspection she found more enlarged/hard lymph nodes in his right armpit. Going through questions with GP - my son does have night sweats and he's always complaining of tummy and back ache (I'm pretty sure that's just a kid thing though!). He had no sign of ear or throat infection and temp was perfect. So she ordered some bloods to be done. We received these results last Wednesday at which she said his white blood count was a little low (4.5) and his lymphocyte count was 2.1 (apparently this is low?). She remarked that this showed lymphopenia? Also, no signs of infection or inflammation.

She did an immediate referal to paediatrics who wanted to see him the same day at the children's assessment unit. He had bloods taken for a blood film and chest x ray. The x ray was fine, bloods again showed absolutely no sign of infection or inflammation. They also found a 3rd one slightly enlarged in his neck but said the ones in his armpit are smaller than those in his neck. 
We went back today to the assessment unit who said his blood film came back as 'reactive'. She said this could be because of a virus etc but he's not been unwell as we have been isolating due to lock down so I'm not entirely convinced but I'm no doctor of course!
She told me to google this... but I don't have enough information from them to get an understanding as it either comes up with references to cancer or an infection which he doesn't have. He has to have repeat bloods in 4 weeks as the doctor wants to keep an eye on how they are.

I have been going out of my mind as to what the cause of this can be. Lymphoma was my initial thought because he's not been unwell, not even a touch of hay fever this year.  

I was laughed at by one of the paeds doctors for the lymph nodes not being 'big enough' to be worried about but they are growing slowing and more are becoming prominent. Im sure in another 4 weeks they'd have grown even more!

I don't really know what I'm asking but some insight may help me. Or anyone who has been through something similar, what should I be asking or looking for?

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to reply to me!

Love from,

A very worried Mum x  

  • Hello Es071026, my name is Alex and I'm facing exactly the same issue like you that ai could write yoir story myself! 

    My 5 yrs toddler been having these tiny lumps arround his neck for couple of months now! no night swears or signs of being tired but with the lumps being there I couldn't sleep at night! So decided to get that checked! First appoinment went quiet quick and the doctor couldn't even find the lumps, I had to direct him to find them lumps! 

    Now we are booked for blood test just to rule out any suspicion, but I think we are just worried to much as a parents! 

    Their lymph nodes are slightley bigger than ours, so you can feel them somethimes, as long as not bigger than 2cm in size shouldn't be a reason of concern!


    And another reassurance is I have had that as a child, 2 of these nodes still have it nowdays! 


    Hope you all have a favourable outcome, and don't stress what is meant to happen will happen! Best of luck to all of you

  • Hi I just wanted to say that my now 5 year old had a lump on the right side of his neck. Back when he was 3 I noticed it, but didn't pay much attention as he had cold after cold being the colder weather, then few months passed and it was still there. I spoke to a doctor but as it was the peak of the pandemic it was just a phone appointment, was told to keep an eye on it for another couple weeks. When it didn't go I pushed for a face to face appointment. They looked at it and referred him for an ultrasound. They literally ultrasounded the whole of his neck from one side to the other and the nose was a normal lymph node. But because he has a skinny neck it's more prominent than the rest because it sits closer to the surface than the others but there was no other concerns and he was signed off. 

    last year he had a lump appear on the back of neck 2 days after my wedding. I was mortified. I spoke to a doctor over the phone who said keep an eye on it, a few days later my 8 year old had the same lump appear on the other side on the back of his neck. I couldn't believe it. But what I did notice was they had both complained about having an insect bite in the head from being outside. I put 2 and 2 together and left them for a couple weeks and they completely disappeared. What I'm trying to say is it might not always be becuase they are poorly there could be other reasons to look out for too. My son is now 5 and still has the first original lump on the right side of his neck. It hasn't changed, I just monitor it just incase. 

    sorry for the long post but hope this helps.

  • Hey Piciuvw, thank you for your reply. That's very reassuring. I ended up going to a private paediatric consultant who ran basic blood tests and ultrasound of his lymph node but nothing remarkable was found which is a relief. I still worry about it though from time to time as he coughs a lot but he has a dust mite allergy too so it may be making his cough worse. Hopefully its nothing more than that. Hope you and lo are doing good.

  • Hi, 


    Ive just been reading through this post and I have a 3 year old girl and she had a bout of strep and tonsillitis twice in the period of 3 months. Her tonsils have never gone back down they are still swollen and the lymph nodes in her neck haven't gone down either, she has been complaining this week of abomdinal pain, we have been on holiday in Wales and whilst away I took her to the out of hours gp and completely dismissed my concern regarding the lymph nodes and didn't even check, my partner says I'm overreacting but it is definitely a worry. Will be getting in touch with the gp tomorrow as they have grown in size and are hard to touch

  • This has helped me so much my daughters lymph nodes I  her neck have always seemed bigger than "normal" but I've always monitored then as advised when she was a baby and they haven't changed she is also slim build and well within herself I find myself over thinking about it sometimes today being one of them times so this has really helped thank you 

  • I'm so glad my post has helped you. Sorry to hear you are worried about your daughters nodes. As you said they haven't changed in size since she was a baby and that is a really good sign. I'm sure they are absolutely fine. Hope you are ok, sending hugs. I know how worrying it can be when it's something to do with your kids let alone yourself xxx

  • My 6 year old has a similar pattern. We saw the GP today who has said he had viral tonsillitis but the gland is firmer than he would normally see so has ordered blood tests. He's had 2 bouts of tonsillitis in the last 3 months and has been saying his tummy aches. No weight loss, no tiredness. Did you have any investigations? 

  • Hi, yes bloods were done 3 months ago and she had two markers leukocytes and creataline were raised slightly gp said not concerned... to repeat the blood tests 3 months time she is due repeat bloods December 14th obviously I was horrified at this especially with the node being up and it still is.. she's had tonsillitis again 3 times since last post so 6 in all now.. I have an appointment to see a paediatric  doctor with her tomorrow so hopefully we will get to the bottom of what is going on and it won't be the C word x

  • There is a lot of tonsillitis going around in children at the moment I think there may be an outbreak every mum I've spoken to at the school (west mids) said there child has had or has tonsillitis 

  • Hi, I wrote earlier in the year I was worried about my daughters nodes, these posts make me feel so much better but I've been to the doctor and although she agrees my daughters nodes are on the bigger side (always have been) she said they are spongy which is a good thing, as a precaution she has referred for bloods and ultrasound , what were your outcomes?