High calprotectin



After having loose stools for a few months, but with no other symptoms, my tests show I have a calprotectin level of 600, which the GP says is the highest he's ever seen. I'm now waiting for a colonoscopy, but my stools have returned to normal. I'm very confused and worried. Has anyone else had similar levels? I would be interested to know how you got on, and what the outcome was.




  • Hi


    I am to like you absolutely terrified.  I too have bad health anxiety and after recently having a fit test they found low levels of blood in it. I was referred for urgent colonoscopy and on viewing all was fine. Had biopsies taken which have come back in some parts showing inflammation.  I've been referred to gastroenterology but atleast an 8 wk wait even though its urgent . My Dr done a faecal calprotein test which shows my levels were at 329. I'm really worried now as everyone on the forum seems to be saying when it's very high it more likely not to be cancer and when it's 200/300 it's more likely to be. I'm so worried now having to wait 8 wks atleast.

    I have coeliac disease but I'm so scared now that maybe it's my small bowels and obviously in a colonoscopy that's not looked at.


  • Hello, 

    I am 25 year old female, who before all this has never even thought of cancer, I’m young I haven’t needed to it doesn’t happen right?

    well I was having loose stools for over 3 years before I decided it was a good idea to get checked out, this was when I started noticing blood in my stool as well, I have lost 3 stone in the space of 5 months and not actively trying to. 
    After going to the doctors I had to do the F.I.T test and the other stool test- the score was 1800, and my doctor said this can signal cancer and has done in the cases she has seen, I am currently waiting on an appointment for a colonoscopy. But worrying myself sick! Any advice would be appreciated 

  • Offline in reply to Shaz78

    Hello, what diet would you recommend for someone diagnosed with high inflammation? Thank you 

  • Hi IKPT and welcome to the forum.

    I just wanted to make a quick post as I noticed you were asking Shaz78 a question.

    Unfortunately they haven't been on the forum for some time now, so there's a chance you may not get a reply.

    I really hope that won't be the case, but if you don't hear back from them or anyone else on this discussion then you're welcome to start your own discussion about this or you can try reaching out to others on more recent discussions you find about this topic on the forum.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi I had very bad diarrhoea from the beginning of January  and nause, all the time  and very loud sound from my stomach but no pain my first stool sample result was 1522 then 2 weeks later it was 782 it dropped a lot but I was  Referred for a urgent  Colonoscopy That I have this coming Wednesday I am Now wondering If they have dropped even more before I get the colonoscopy Would it still show That I had a bowel disease or would it be normalIf anyone can help me I'd be grateful Thank you x

  • Hi 

    My husband had this test that came with 315.

    Did you had further tests already?

  • How did your colonoscopy go? I’m booked in for fast track one Tuesday I’m very worried my calprotectin was 3300