High calprotectin



After having loose stools for a few months, but with no other symptoms, my tests show I have a calprotectin level of 600, which the GP says is the highest he's ever seen. I'm now waiting for a colonoscopy, but my stools have returned to normal. I'm very confused and worried. Has anyone else had similar levels? I would be interested to know how you got on, and what the outcome was.




  • The back pain was before pregnancy but everything else has come on in pregnancy. Before pregnancy my periods were all over the place, I'd miss some, some came late so I put the back pain down to that. 

    I get mucus and blood in the stool. I have a constant feeling/pain like Iv not emptied my bowel when Iv been. The pain and fullness is in my bum. 

    I saw the consultant who was just awful. Was not interested at all. Won't do a colonoscopy because I'm pregnant. Told me he would see me in 4 months time. Wouldn't look at the pictures or diary the GP told me to take. Blamed it all on ibs. I asked why I have the high calprotection levels he just said not sure. 

    iv spent the weekend in tears as I don't feel like I can relax till I know what's going on. 

    how have you got on? 

  • Hi lovely, I had my colonoscopy today and they said everything was okay thank god they've taken some biopsies to check if there's any infections or inflammation but couldn't see anything major such as cancers as they are spotted on colonoscopies, not sure why calprotectin was high will be speaking to my consultant again in a few weeks, my husband said he doesn't quite believe in the calprotectin figures so maybe this consultant is the same, sounds like from this chat quite a few with high calprotectin are having clear colonoscopies. I think if you are not happy with your consultant I would ask to see another one? Also if your worried go to your gp and ask them for a full blood test including ESR and CRP say your feeling light headed and because of the high calprotectin you should want your inflammatory markers checked! Hopefully if these come back clear it should keep you some peace of mind, also for a week or two you could try completely changing your diet (anti inflammatory diet) should be stuff on Google but just make sure it's one that you can do while pregnant! Please try not to stress and worry I know it's hard but stressing can make any bowel symptoms worse, cry to keep calm and go to the docs and ask for those blood tests. You can message me any time if you need to talk x

  • Hello. 


    thank you for replying! 

    So pleased your colonoscopy was clear! I bet you feel very relieved now! The waiting bit the worse bit isn't it! 

    I had been in hospital (for pregnancy) they admitted me onto the ward and tested me for covid before I went to the ward and I had tested positive for covid. I had no Symptoms felt fine. The hospital and Gp both did all my bloods! U&E's, LFT, FBC and CRP. All came back fine except my liver function came back slightly elevated. With my youngest I had  cholestasis so Iv had a few more bloods done and a liver scan which was fine as there's a 90% chance of getting it again this pregnancy but after a couple of weeks my LFT's had come back down! So they didn't know if covid had caused abit of inflammation in my liver! I'm speaking with my GP in the morning about my consultation. She has been very good so far. I am going to ask to redo the inflammation test as that was around the same time I had covid too. I think I need it for my peace of mind. I suffer with health anxiety since having my youngest so I worry even more when things arnt right! Xx


  • Aww yes it can make you feel anxious,  sounds like your blood tests have overall look good and that's usually the pain worry so don't worry you will be fine. Did you go to the docs again I'm sure some new sets of blood will make you feel better! Try not to worry too much for the baby I know it's so tough not to! Xx

  • Hi,

    Reading all your stories has calmed down. Beside myself, I've had IBS on and off over the years, things have been getting worse so went to the GP last week, had FIT sample and calprotectin, both were positive and calprotectin come back as 1096. I have been referred urgently to go a colonoscopy, I have a phone consultation this Sunday. Had bloods done too and have low iron/anemia , and ESR was 32 all other results were normal , liver/kidney/thyroid etc. 

    The wait/worry is making me worse I think.



  • Don't worry all will be fine, your calprotectin was probably high due to your IBS, and symptoms of IBS do get worse as time goes on. I would try and look for an anti inflammatory diet and change the way you eat and what you eat and see how you get on. Good to have the tests done for your own peace of mind and be on the safe side but it doesn't sound anything to be worried about, the waiting is horrible but time goes so quick you will have your clear results before you even know it! All the best x

  • Thank you!! I'm a massive worrier and always focus on the worst. I will research and definitely start an anti inflammatory diet, the gp also mentioned celiac disease so I've been reducing gluten too but I think with the anxiety and stress I'm still getting flare ups. 

    I'm hoping and praying it's an IBD condition and not the other . 



  • Hi there,

    Hopefully your colonoscopy happens soon and really hope it goes ok and you get some answers. Ive had a similar situation recently... I had a stressful few months buying a flat and after about 6 months of stress I started having bouts of diarrhoea after eating for a couple of hours but only very occasionally, about once every two weeks. This went on for about 3 months and in between I was fine except low iron around the same time which I took tablets for and energy improved from those. So I was feeling better if a little done in from the stress - I've never been diagnosed with IBS and just put the stomach upsets down to stress - we had some major family stress soon after the sale went through too which was around the last time I had diarrhoea (2 months ago) - so basically it's been a pretty relentlessly high stress year.

    I had some stool tests done to check anyway and the first one came back 1300 faecal calprotectin in Oct which worried me. I've had a wait of about 5 weeks between getting the tests results back and my next appointment with the doctor and in that period I have become extremely anxious. I've had blood tests and they are all pretty much normal - iron improving. But the faecal calprotectin test came back as 2000 this time (this was last week, Nov).

    The doctor made an urgent referal to gastro and I'm now waiting to hear from them. I think the accumulative stress of the past year has made my resilience to these worries quite low and im struggling not to be constantly anxious about it, and then I'm also finding myself quite down as a result - which is a concern as I know there will probably be a fair amount more waiting.

    The most confusing thing is that I've not had any really obvious symptoms for two months, but my calprotectin levels are high and seem to be going up.

    I don't feel ill, but my anxiety is making me overthink everything my body does and Im losing confidence in myself - not always sure whether I can commit to doing things because im worries I could get/be ill for example. I'm trying to carry on with most things anyway, but finding it hard.

    There are odd mild things that I could consider symptoms like wind after eating sometimes and often some urgency to go to the loo first thing in the morning but if I take away the anxiety about it all these are probably things I wouldn't think much of usually. 

    The doc has said it's likely IBD which of course I've researched and found some people say is really manageable and others are very ill from - so of course I've found myself anxious about that too. I live on my own which I don't think helps, and I'm a bit scared of going through all of the tests and potential illness on my own. I'm basically catastrophising everything and I know it but finding it hard to be positive - the unknown is taking over really. I think maybe my coping resources are at a bit of a low as I'm usually more resilient and pragmatic. 

    It has been helpful to read this thread and see that it's not worth diagnosing myself as things might not be as scary as I'm expecting them to be, especially as I know I'm not at my best emotionally at the moment. So thanks to those who've contributed with reassuring posts and updates. 

    If anyone has any suggestions for managing this interim period of the unknown and worries/anxieties that would help too - but really just hearing outcomes that were pretty positive has been helpful. 

    Thanks x 

  • Hi - I am exactly the same as you - can't stop worrying and it's exhausting! 

    I have had loose stools and no control, (although is better than it was now), low tummy cramps/pains, not eating as much and trying to stick to really plain stuff and awful really low back pain.

    Blood tests all okay other than low selenium levels.  Consultant rang me on 7 December and said stools showed no blood or infection but my large bowel was very inflamed and my calprotectin level was 1720.  He said it wasn't IBS and was thinking IBD, (but still can't help worrying about the big C). Consultant said 'tests were negative for cancer' but I'm still worried and having endoscopy with biopsy.

    I have a complicated medical history as I had a gastric bypass 11 years ago and have ulcers at the joint of my new stomach.

    Got telephone pre-assessment Monday 19 December for the bowel prep for my Endoscopy, (don't know date yet though !)

    It is helpful to read through this thread - thank you x



  • Hi


    Came across this thread after searching about high calprotectin levels. My levels aren't extremely high, they are 200. I have had a FBC, thyroid function and auto immune blood testa done and all came back fine. My GP said she wanted to test Calprotectin levels and H-pylori (still awaiting this one). I have diagnoses of PCOS, Hyperthyroidism and Raynauds. I have never officially been diagnosed with IBS, but have always had issues and flare ups that have required Lansoprazole for a month. I have been on Lansoprazole now for a month and am due to come off them again. Last time was Dec 2020 when I had a flare up.

    So although my result isn't in the thousands, I'm worried as it is above normal. GP asked the receptionist to call me to arrange a telephone appt on Monday to discuss the next steps. She reiterated through the receptionist, that I wasn't to worry and the result was "as expected". However I suffer health anxiety so I am worried, especially after reading this thread :(