High calprotectin



After having loose stools for a few months, but with no other symptoms, my tests show I have a calprotectin level of 600, which the GP says is the highest he's ever seen. I'm now waiting for a colonoscopy, but my stools have returned to normal. I'm very confused and worried. Has anyone else had similar levels? I would be interested to know how you got on, and what the outcome was.




  • Awww no bless you! I've all my fingers crossed for you! Which area are you if you don't mind me asking ? Xx

  • South west, may be different elsewhere but I know wait times are very high here.

    i do have the possibility that the stress of my first scare ( they thought I had malignant breast tumours which turned out to be benign after removal) has set off an IBD flair. This could be why I'm feeling less worried about this outcome.

  • Hi. Thanks for this. It's very useful. My Calprotectin is 600 now but 2 months ago was 2000 and I kept telling the doctor it started after food poisoning. But they say they can't find bacteria in stool test. I spoke to a GI specialist he said it's probably infection and didn't want to do colonoscopy. But he didn't give me antibiotics he said repeat Calprotectin! I'm in UK and NSH is very slow all this has taken 4 months and I don't know when I will get treated. Is there a specific antibiotic or medicin that is prescribed for infection which causes high Calprotectin? Any tips on how to navigate this is highly appreciated. 

  • If it's CED related (crohns/colitis) you should not take anitbiotics at all. It can cause a flair up. (myself crohn patient over 20 years - currently on biologica treatment) 
    At the beginning of CED most of the specialist treat with steroids for short period of time. 

    Crohns can be identified in a biopsy, but, Colitis ulcerosa is tricky to find, but there are indicators for, like blood or mucus. 


  • My colonoscopy went fine, they took 10 biopsies. I've not heard anything other than an appointment with a gastro consultant in January!! Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing! Xxx

  • Should be good news, if they are not wanting to see you urgently, 

    A month ago my calprotectin was over 600 and I've just had it redone and it's 330, I've got a colonoscopy booked for Monday abit nervous not sure whether to be sedated or not!


  • Please keep us updated! Mine are 323 for the first one and the second was 383. I'm pregnant and due to see the gastro consultant on Friday regarding a colonoscopy! X

  • Bless you try not to worry, with pregnancy everything is all over the place I'm sure you will be fine. My husband is a doctor and he doesn't seem to worried about it and even says i don't need the colonoscopy but my actual GP and gastro consultant thinks I need it as I've lost a bit of weight and stool sample changes but no blood. 
    so will see, will definitely keep you posted! Why did you did checked was there some symptoms that were bothering you? 

  • Bless you! I bet it's reassuring having a hubby as a dr! So I had been constipated for the first 6 months. Then had 6 days of softer stools not runny but softer with like mucus stuff in. Very gassy and burpy. Iv been having bright red spots of blood on my stools but they have been very big and hard to pass. Pain in my upper right rib area which has gone now! I have suffered with ibs since I was a child! So she did the test and it came back high! What were your Symtoms? 

  • Did all these symptoms come about during pregnancy? Because I had all those exacts symptoms during both my pregnancies, the bright red blood spots were from cuts I was getting when passing the hard poop, I think this is what you may have too, they say if it's cancer or something then its usually not bright red more like black.

    I also had the pain in the rib area throughout my pregnancy which came and went both times. Definitely good to get everything checked but I think you will be just fine. 
    Once you've had baby look into an anti inflammatory diet and supplements (turmeric, moringa etc) which should help you with your ibs symptoms. 
    my symptoms are tummy pains after food and I've always got these gurgles sounds coming from my tummy in the evening and my morning stool is always loose and I've lost weight I'm 35 5ft 2 and weigh 46kg then with the raised calprotectin they thought I need further investigations hence the colonoscopy.