Borderline ovarian cyst

Hi everyone I'm 57 and just been diagnosed with borderline ovarian cyst. What a shock!,wasn't expecting that. In March I noticed my stomach was bloated and large but thought it was due to the constipation I was suffering from.after phoning doctors as they were not seeing patients I had consultation with doctor over phone. Was given lactulose to help with the constipation and sent for bloods. Ca125 came back as normal but things didn't get better. More phone consultations with doctors given fybrogel nothing was working and I had a pain on my left side which then moved to the right. In may I telephoned Doctor again and asked if they were seeing patients as I definitely needed someone to take a look at my stomach doctor eventually said he would but would be sending me for a scan anyway. It was decided that I would be better just going to the scan. I paid private for the scan and was told I had a large 25cm multicystic ovarian cyst.i was fast tracked through the nhs as couldn't go private as all private had gone across to nhs. Lots of stressful phone calls at a time when I could have done without it. Had gynaecology appointment then mri. Results borderline ovarian cyst. Needs removing asap am now waiting for a date as with the coronavirus everything is slower. Feel let down and as if healthcare is only bothered about the virus. But resigned to just waiting for my op


  • Thanks Jackie your right i need to just focus on recovery from this operatioN and go from there. They said it will takr 3/4 weeks for results from biopsy . 
    need to stay strong for my dsughter snd hopefully no matter what my results stay strong and fight xxx im praying you get the all clear tomorrow please keep me updated im thinking of you xxxxxx sara xxx

  • Hi Sara. Hope you are well and recovering well. I've just had my results from the kidney cancer and it's all gone just have to have scans for the next 8 years now. Hopefully your results will be good also keep me informed Jackie x

  • Wow!! I am so so happy for you Jackie!! This is the best news ever. What a journey youve been on physically and mentally what brilliant news!  You enjoy Christmas and been free of cancer big hugs and loves to you xxxx 

    Im currently in bed resting its been hard but im recovering well i think. Ive got a good family helping me and im concentrating on recovering. I get my results in 3 weeks maybe 2 now hopefully good news but trying not to think about it too much for now i know my aim is to get over this operation. 
    ill keep you updated have a lovely xmas xxxxxxxxx

  • I read your journey here [@sarahar]‍ . I hope it won't be cancer once the histology is back. And I hope you and [@jackban]‍  recover quickly. [@jackban]‍  my dad had a kidney removed due to early stage cancer and 15+ years later his remaining kidney is doing its job with no sign of recurrence.

  • Hi Lynn 

    sorry for late reply thankyou for your kind words. Im currently recovering from my surgery getting stronger every day l. 
    thankyou x

  • Hi Jackie 

    hope your recovering well and had a lovely xmas. Just wanted to update you on my journey. Ive just had my biopsy results back today and it was borderline!! I am over the moon ive not slept eaten or fully focused on anything for months as the worry as consumed my life. Im just so pleased for me and my daughter that we can move past this and get back into some routine again. He said i will just need followup scans going forward which suits me fine i would rather keep an eye on things. One thing ive learned thru all this is listen to your body and if it feels off get to the gps and make them investigate as with any illness the sooner it's detected the better. I want to thank you for all your support and kind words and wish you the best in the future. 
    sending big hugs Sara xxxxx 

  • That's amazing news. Hope you've had a good Christmas and wishing you a happy healthy new year. Life is full of ups and downs and it's how we learn from our experiences. I get great pleasure out of helping people going through what I have experienced and trying to help them deal with it. I'm back to work from 3 January and hoping next year is a better one for me health wise. If you need me at anytime please message me I'm always here for you xx

  • Back to work will be amazing for you Jackie it will get you back into normal routine and take your mind of the past and help you focus on your future. Im never taking anything for granted anymore im just happy ive been very lucky, im going to appreciate life more now. The last months have taught me your health is your wealth and Im a very strong women ive faced things that's frightened me and come thru the other side. Its been a rollercoaster of emotions but im putting it to rest now and focusing on making memories, thankyou for all your support good luck with work and if you ever need me for anything message me youve helped me more than you will know you always reply and help with any questions ive had and im very grateful. Take care sara xxx

  • Hello,

    Are any of you still  able to read from link? I have had a cyst removed when having a c section. My baby is now 7 weeks old. The cyst burst when being removed. Its come back as borderline and im scheduled for a hysterectomy. Had ct scan and waiting on results. I feel so overwhelmed  

  • Hi Nichola 
    Hope your ok? Congratulations on your new baby xx
    I had a borderline cyst and am now 15 week post op. Try not to worry the consultants are amazing, they will
    Make sure you are cared for well. I know its worrying i was the exact same overthinking everything but please remember you cant control what you dont know. Wait for your results and go from there. I had total hysterectomy im 39 i already have a child wanted more but wasnt willing to take the chance of having to be operated again if anything came back. I feel good now im recovering well stay strong and take things as they come. 