Borderline ovarian cyst

Hi everyone I'm 57 and just been diagnosed with borderline ovarian cyst. What a shock!,wasn't expecting that. In March I noticed my stomach was bloated and large but thought it was due to the constipation I was suffering from.after phoning doctors as they were not seeing patients I had consultation with doctor over phone. Was given lactulose to help with the constipation and sent for bloods. Ca125 came back as normal but things didn't get better. More phone consultations with doctors given fybrogel nothing was working and I had a pain on my left side which then moved to the right. In may I telephoned Doctor again and asked if they were seeing patients as I definitely needed someone to take a look at my stomach doctor eventually said he would but would be sending me for a scan anyway. It was decided that I would be better just going to the scan. I paid private for the scan and was told I had a large 25cm multicystic ovarian cyst.i was fast tracked through the nhs as couldn't go private as all private had gone across to nhs. Lots of stressful phone calls at a time when I could have done without it. Had gynaecology appointment then mri. Results borderline ovarian cyst. Needs removing asap am now waiting for a date as with the coronavirus everything is slower. Feel let down and as if healthcare is only bothered about the virus. But resigned to just waiting for my op


  • Thanks so much I will definitely talk to my doctor about it then and see if it's an option for me too! 

    I'm glad it's all worked out for both of us!!! 


  • Hi guys, 

    I don't know if anyone follows this forum still but I would just like to say thankyou for sharing your stories, I am 19 and recently found out I have a large borderline cyst which has been quite daunting and so it has been really reassuring to read that other people have had a similar experience to me. I am due to have surgery soon, does anyone have any advice on what to expect afterwards? Is it particularly painful...? 

  • Hi, sorry you are having to go through this at such a young age. I like you was worried about the pain and what would happen after. Just to put your mind at rest I experienced no pain after. I rested and looked after myself didn't over do anything and I was fine. I took 3 months off work after the op and returned on a phased return building up until I felt comfortable to go back to my full time hours in January. Sending you big hugs and positive thoughts for your surgery and after. Please message if you need any further support

  • Hi Jackban,

    Hoping you are all OK. I am scheduled to have exactly the same operation (i.e absolutley everything out) in January. I am 59. I teach 2 days a week, am a carer for my 25 year ol daughter the rest of the time (shes bed bound) and I tutor at home a bit as well.  I know we all heal at different speeds and my consultant has said I will be signed off work for at least 8 weeks. I gather lifting my daughter will not be viable for a while and am trying to organise someone to come in everyday to help bath her (my husband can help with other things). But I would really love to know when you were able to sit at a desk and work for an hour, i.e. when will I be able to tutor? Can you remember when you were able to do that? I would realy appreciate some guidance. Thank you.

  • Hi

    hope you are well. You will be fine with the surgery. I know it's daunting I was scared worried etc, but I was surprised how well I felt after. I had 3 months off work as didn't need to rush back as I got full pay from my employer. If you work from home doing your tutoring I, sure even after a couple of weeks post op you would probably d ok. Good luck with the op xx

  • Thank you so much - that is really reassuring. Fingers crossed, all will go well.

  • Hi 


    I had the same operation as Jackban 10 days ago to remove a 35cm cyst. The main pain was due to trapped wind and my bowel objecting to the surgery. My pain is very manageable- I took a single codeine at night to help me sleep for the first few days home from hospital and occasional paracetamol. I'm feeling far better than before my surgery. I've been signed off work for at least eight weeks as my job is quite active. I get tired and need more rest.  I'm sure that after a couple of weeks post op it would be fine to spend an hour tutoring. It's very frustrating not being able to do things.  

  • Thank you - that's good to know. Keep safe and take care

  • Hi. Have you had your surgery? If you have how did it go? 

  • Hi 

    I had my op last week, so very much still recovering, but much better than expected. I think I should be able to tutor by half term which would be good. Seeing the consultant next weekend, so wont know the path results till then, but I think if he'd seen anything sinister he'd have mentioned it.