Borderline ovarian cyst

Hi everyone I'm 57 and just been diagnosed with borderline ovarian cyst. What a shock!,wasn't expecting that. In March I noticed my stomach was bloated and large but thought it was due to the constipation I was suffering from.after phoning doctors as they were not seeing patients I had consultation with doctor over phone. Was given lactulose to help with the constipation and sent for bloods. Ca125 came back as normal but things didn't get better. More phone consultations with doctors given fybrogel nothing was working and I had a pain on my left side which then moved to the right. In may I telephoned Doctor again and asked if they were seeing patients as I definitely needed someone to take a look at my stomach doctor eventually said he would but would be sending me for a scan anyway. It was decided that I would be better just going to the scan. I paid private for the scan and was told I had a large 25cm multicystic ovarian cyst.i was fast tracked through the nhs as couldn't go private as all private had gone across to nhs. Lots of stressful phone calls at a time when I could have done without it. Had gynaecology appointment then mri. Results borderline ovarian cyst. Needs removing asap am now waiting for a date as with the coronavirus everything is slower. Feel let down and as if healthcare is only bothered about the virus. But resigned to just waiting for my op


  • Hi, I was fine when coming home from hospital although I was lucky and have a 3 storey house with a downstairs bedroom and shower room which I stayed in for the first 5 days so no steps. Luckily my husband was off for 2 weeks after I came home as the rules from the nhs were to self isolate for 2 weeks. I'm going g back to work tomorrow I've been off since feb started off as stress and things progressed to the cyst so I e had 8 months off. I have felt so good in myself since my op and have been so surprised how well I've felt. I know it's not easy but it will be no way as bad as you think. Hope it goes well let me know after you've had the op how you are feeling sending you  

  • Hi, I hope you are all doing well and I hope you don't mind me jumping on this thread.  Your stories all sound so familiar to mine.  I too feel let down by NHS - I had to go private for initial CT and consultation (my GP referred me to the wrong department and it took 3 weeks to get a tel con with a gynaeocologist) although the surgery was performed well and quickly under NHS once I was rushed in. I am trying to keep things together and hide my anxiety from my daughter.

    They discovered a giant ovarian cyst following a CT scan after I had been complaining of persistent bloating for quite a while.  I went to a dark place for a few weeks after being told by my GP that they'd found a huge mass on my left ovary  until  I saw the consultant  and he told me it was a benign cyst and not ovarian cancer, which was a huge relief. 

    I had surgery about 4 weeks ago to remove the cyst which was over 30cm on my left ovary. They did a full hysterectomy and removed both ovaries, tubes, cervix and omentum by laparotomy.  The surgery went well and the surgeons in hospital left with with the impression that all was well. I recovered quickly and was initally feeling great (I was even 2 stone lighter when I left the hospital).  I also live in a 3 storey house and didn't find the stairs a problem.  They were actually easier because I was lighter and my knees were much better than before the surgery.  Removing my ovaries induced a medical menopause which started to kick in after 2 weeks. 

    Then I got a call yeseterday from the consultant out of the blue telling me the cyst was borderline.  This concept is confusing me. Even my GP said she didn't know what borderline meant when I asked her! I've read up as much as I can on the subject and I'm still confused about what it ultimately means.  They want to do another CT scan to see if there are any irregular cells in my abdomen and appendix (again, confusing because I thought it was not cancerous) so I went back to that dark place again because I'm petrified of getting more bad news.  I really want to be positive but it's tough going through an emotional roller coaster, especially when I desparately need some oestrogen! My GP has so far refused to give me HRT although the consultant has told me there is no reason I can't have HRT with a borderline cyst. It's so difficult to get an appointment at the moment, I"m waiting a week for a telephone conversation.

    It's especially hard for anyone hard going through this during lockdown. My friends and family are in areas subject to special lockdown measures, though I am not so I've had no visitors and I've not been out since 24 August.  My friends were messaging me asking how I was but because I told them I was feeling great they've backed off from doing that.  I hate having to communicate via text and I don't want to message them with this news.  That basically means I have nobody to talk to.  It's really helpful reviewing positive stories that are similar to mine.

  • Hi so sorry you are feeling like this. It's very hard to stay positive at the moment with COVID being the main priority in the world at the moment. I had my surgery on the 17/7/20 and all went well. When I looked on my doctors notes it said my cyst was mucinous and serous confusing as when you research they always say one or the other not both together. Like you I was told mine was not cancer but borderline. I looked on ovacome website they were very good and also during the day you can do chat with them. They offered to research this for me but I should be having a follow up with gynaecologist very soon so will ask him. I think if you have a mucinous one they need to check that it hasn't stemmed from your appendix and maybe that's why they are looking that was my concern that my appendix was not removed so will be asking about that when I see them. Try stay positive I know it's hard and I too went to a dark place for a short time. But I decided that I couldn't change what was happening so I had a choice to go in to the depths of dispair or take each day as it comes and not worry about the what ifs as they may never be and I would be wasting my life worrying. Hard I know but a positive mindset is the best way of coping with bad news. Always available if you want to chat it helps to talk to someone who had been through it. I've just returned to work this week and I'm trying to put all this in the past.

  • Thnak you so much,  that's really helpful.  I spoke to my GP yesterday which made me feel a bit better.  Because she is medically trained but to her own admission is no expert on borderline tumors, she was able to interpret the jargon for me. She told me that the lab scientists had identified some irregular cells under the microscope when they examined by cyst which were completely enclosed within the ovary but they couldn't determine whether they were dermoid (the type with the teeth and hair - eek!), serous or mucinous.  They therefore wanted to do another CT scan to check my appendix, bowel and abdomen.   So far they haven't detected anything outside of the ovary but they want to re-examine before deciding on a course of action. 

    I've decided to be as positive as possible about it and to take each day as it comes.  I've also now been given some HRT (on advice that the benefits outweigh the risks) so should start to feel better from that. Thanks for the heads up about ovacare. I will give them a call x

  • Thanks for responding so quickly [@annie_louise]‍.  It's my first time on a forum so I've only just seen you responded.


    My surgery for my cyst is booked in for 26th November and I've now found out I have to have my right ovary, tube and cyst removed.  They also discovered after my MRI scan that I have a cyst on my left ovary but it is only 18mm so my consultant is going to look at it during the op and decide whether to remove it or just leave it alone.  


    Your message about recovery etc. really did put my mind at rest.  How are you feeling now?  I hope you are continuing to recover well x

  • Hi [@jackban]‍, thank you for responding to my message, I'm afraid I'd not seen it until now.  How's work going for you?


    I've found out i need my cyst removed, plus my right ovary and tube and that's scheduled for 26th November.  I only hope it's not cancelled or any later and it pushes my recovery into Christmas.


    I hope you continue to recover well x

  • I'm so sorry to jump on your post but I don't no we're to begin speaking to any one.. 

    How are you recovering? I'm due to have surgery on the 12th November and honestly I'm so scared. So I'm 32 with 4 young children and have recently been told I have a 18 inch Ovarian Cyst. My bloods were a bit high so I don't really no much more untill it's out. How is recovery? I no my cut is from pubic bone up to breast bone as it's that big,also a hysterectomy. I hope you don't mind me jumping on this as I don't no how to start anything. I hope you well. 

  • So sorry you are in this position at such a young age. I'm recovering well thanks I'm back at work now I had full hysterectomy both ovaries and cervix removed also omentum. To be honest I like you was very scared of the unknown and surgery during Covid is scary. I went in on the 17 July and was out on the 19th. I've had no pain and managed on just paracetamol. Mine was a borderline serous and mucinous cyst. I'm due to follow up on the 10 nov where my gynaecologist said he would do an internal to make sure everything had gone back ok however apparently this is now a phone appointment so will be interesting how they will be able to do an internal over the phone .I know it's hard but try not to worry it will all be over soon.

  • Hi, I am doing okay... its 12 weeks today since my surgery and I'm so much better thank you. It sounds like you are having almost identical to me. You havent got long to wait now... you will be so glad when its done! Let me know how it goes x

  • Hope everything went well with your surgery