3.2cm liver lesion found with ultrasound

Hi. I'm 45 years old and I've just been told yesterday that a lesion has been found on my liver. I've now got a hospital appointmnet with the gastric department in two days time. I have quite a bit of discomfort in my abdomen but no other symptoms. I'm so very worried about the diagnosis and prognosis. It sounds like a cliche, but you really never believe that these things can actually happen to you.

I'd really like to hear from anyone out there who is experiencing anything similar.

  • Pleased you're doing ok.

    Yes, I was fast tracked on the two week referral for a scan. It was all very worrying but, as I've said, in the end it turned out to be a benign lump that needed no further investigation or treatment.

    Its difficult when you're waiting and it can be a very worrying time but hopefully it helps a little to know that sometimes it turns out to be nothing sinister whatsoever.

    Hope all works out for you. Take care

  • Thank you for your replying I'm seeing a specialist on Tuesday, not sure what to expect will they send me for a mri or will he be able to tell from my ultrasound I'm going out of my mind with worrying thinking that it's cancer. x

  • I initially had an ultrasound that found the lesion and then got referred for an MRI and from the MRI they could see it was nothing to worry about. It's understandable to feel worries but please try not to let it run away with you. It really could turn out to be nothing serious. Let me know how you get on x

  • I'm seeing specialist on Tuesday so I have my fingers crossed was it a specialist you had seen then they arrange mri etc? I was just expecting to be sent for a urgent scan but there's no mention of this on letter I'm so worried as there's six growths also pain in lower back I'm only 25 so hoping nothing serious. Will let you know how I get on thank you x

  • I think my MRI was already in the pipeline when I saw the specialist. It all happened fairly quickly. There are plenty of other things the growths can be. Try not to focus on the worst scenario. There are many paths that could all lead to a  positive outcome. Try and focus on that if you can. Take care x

  • Hello, not doing too bad I'm trying not to worry. So much stress I'm only 25 other than the pain under should blade on right side I feel okay. So I saw specialist Tuesday was only in room literally a few minutes he didn't seem too concerned said it was very unlikely to be cancer for my age. He asked if I'd being on oral contraceptive pill which I said I had for around 9 years he said this could be the cause and could be something called fnh not sure what this is think it's non benign liver growths. Said I needed a urgent mri with contrast dye. Mri department rang me yesterday I'm in on Saturday. Convinced myself it's cancer and keep crying I suffer bad with anxiety and how fast they've rushed everything is scary. X

  • Hi,

    FNH is what my lesion ended up being on my liver - focal nodular hyperplasia. Its a benign tumour and mine didn't need any further intervention or treatment. I had to come off my oral contraceptive pill though as the consultant said that there is some evidence that the pill can make the tumour grow. 

    I know it's easier said than done but try your hardest not to worry. The speed they're going at is because you fit a basic criteria and they need to work fast. In the vast majority of cases it ends up not being anything serious. 

    Hope all will work out well x

  • Thank you that's quiet reassuring. I have six different growths largest being 4cm but the specialist didn't seem overly concerned at all he even said he could have done it over the phone I was in the room around 4 minutes I now have mri Saturday. He told me to try and relax and stay of google so I think I will do so. I will let you know how I get on when I have results from mri so worrying. They've said there going to use contrast dye for the mri is there any side affects from this? X

  • I'm not sure if there are side effects from contrast dye but I didn't have any. Hope this helps x