3.2cm liver lesion found with ultrasound

Hi. I'm 45 years old and I've just been told yesterday that a lesion has been found on my liver. I've now got a hospital appointmnet with the gastric department in two days time. I have quite a bit of discomfort in my abdomen but no other symptoms. I'm so very worried about the diagnosis and prognosis. It sounds like a cliche, but you really never believe that these things can actually happen to you.

I'd really like to hear from anyone out there who is experiencing anything similar.

  • Hi

    I'm doing ok thanks. Not had any untoward symptoms for a while which is good!

    I know what you mean about the lockdown not being as bad as it sounds! I'm currently working from home but I only do part time hours which is good. Gives me time to catch up on jobs that should have been done long ago!

    I've not got any children but I do have a dog! Enjoying the nice, long once a day walks with him. 

    Trying to do as much as I can to stay safe. It's all a bit surreal but we're all in same situation so I'm sure we'll get through it fine!

    Take care x


  • I went to hospital with a gastric attack nearly a week ago. It calmed down overnight, I am anaemic otherwise no infectionin blood or urine and tumour marker test ok. Given CT Scan. "All fine except" for a 3.5cm liver lesion. Waiting to hear if they want me to have MRI &/or Endoscopy. Very nervous about outcome and also because I am very claustrophobic 

  • Hi. Sorry to hear that. I hope I can reassure you a bit. I have a lesion which turned out to be a benign focal modular hyperplasia which is nothing to worry about at all. I also had an Mri which I was dreading as I also don't like confined spaces. I told the nurses when I had my mri done and they were brilliant. They put me in feet first and very very slowly moved me in and most of my head was outside the scanner. I hope everything will be ok. A lesion isn't always something sinister. Best wishes to you

  • Hi,

    I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were doing?


    Hope you're doing ok :-)


  • Hi. How are you doing? 

    I'm doing ok. I had surgery a month ago to remove my adrenal tumour. I haven't had any results back yet but I'm feeling better already. Hopefully I'll know what they removed soon....


    Have you had any more follow ups? Hope alls ok. 

  • Hi.

    Pleased to hear you're doing ok. That sounds promising that you're feeling better since your operation. Hopefully it'll be good news.

    I'm ok thanks. Obviously things for me came to a standstill with all that's gone on (which is understandable!). I have a telephone appt with the consultant in August. I've not been too bad so it should be just a case of informing him and probably nothing more.

    Hope you hear some good news about the tumour that was removed. Let me know how to get on.


  • Hi,

    Im 25 went for ultra sound found 6 growths on my liver one being 4cm being rushed for a urgent mri.. doctor said there not overly concerned but checking ect cos of my age bloods was fine for liver the reason for scan was I had being complaining about lower right back ache really hoping this isn't cancer

  • Hi

    Hope you're doing ok. I had a lesion on my liver which ended up being a benign focal nodular hyperplasia. It's such a difficult time when you're waiting for the next step. I hope all will be well for you and that it is ultimately good news.

    Take care 

  • Hi,

    im not doing too bad thank you for asking besides constant worry. Was you also sent on a urgent referral?