3.2cm liver lesion found with ultrasound

Hi. I'm 45 years old and I've just been told yesterday that a lesion has been found on my liver. I've now got a hospital appointmnet with the gastric department in two days time. I have quite a bit of discomfort in my abdomen but no other symptoms. I'm so very worried about the diagnosis and prognosis. It sounds like a cliche, but you really never believe that these things can actually happen to you.

I'd really like to hear from anyone out there who is experiencing anything similar.

  • Hi I'm ok. Still stressed from the unknown! I'm having further scans today so hopefully I might know more soon. I've still not seen a dr though!
    how are you getting on? Have you got further information on what's happening with you?

  • Hi,

    Sorry for the late reply. How were your scans? Hope all went well and you get some info soon!

    I'm ok thanks. Got a letter today confirming that i have a focal nodular  hyperplasia which doesn't need any treatment. I do need to go back to see the consultant to discuss it but other than that all is ok.

    I hope you get some information soon and that it's good news. Keep me updated. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.


  • Hi. How are things with you?

  • Hi sorry for late reply. 
    Ive just seems your other message. That's brilliant that it doesn't need treatment. Any news on your other symptoms?

    Im doing ok. Finally spoke to a dr last night. This weeks scans appear to show the liver lesions aren't connected to my adrenal gland but they don't know what they are! The dr thinks they're benign and will continue to monitor them. There is an "active " tumour on my adrenal gland which they will remove. I can't believe I'm actually pleased about this! It's been such a stressful month. They're trying to get me in a surgery list next week but obviously the NHS is chaotic at the moment. I'll hear Saturday if there's any news...

    I wanted to thank you for being supportive through all of this. It's been good to talk to someone who's feeling the same and understands. I know I've still got a long way to go but at least I know what I'm dealing with now and it hasn't spread. Thank you    

  • Morning.

    I'm so pleased that you have finally seen someone and that you have got some answers. It's sometimes the not knowing and lack of info that causes a lot more anxiety and stress. Good to hear you sounding more positive and hopeful too. I'm so pleased for you!

    Hopefully it will be a case of having the op and getting confirmation that the lesions are benign and you can start getting back to some sort of normality!

    I hope you hear something today re the op  - keep me posted. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you - as usual!

    You're welcome re the support. I feel exactly the same. It has made a world of difference messaging someone who is feeling the same emotions and you've been a real source of comfort to me too.

    Keep me posted about your operation.

  • Hi. I'm doing ok. How are you? Have you heard any more on the cause of your others symptoms?

    It was confirmed by a liver specialist yesterday that whatever's in my liver looks benign. Im so relieved. 
    I don't have a date for surgery as they really can't tell what's going to happen which is fair enough given the world at the moment! The hospital yes to was very strange. Security in the door and hardly anyone in the out patients department. 

    I hope you're keeping well 

  • Hi, 

    No I've not heard any more. I'm due to go back and see the consultant but I'm not expecting to hear anything soon with everything going on.

    So pleased you found out that whatever is in your liver is benign. You must be massively relieved!

    Hope you get sorted with your op in due course.

    Stay safe and take care 

  • Hi. How's things?

    Have you heard anything about your op? How are you finding the lockdown?

  • Morning!

    I've not heard anything yet. I think it'll be at least a month. Probably more when things calm down. 
    How are you? 

    I'm actually finding being at home ok. I thought it would be stressful but it's quite nice. I've got two small children who probably aren't learning anywhere near what they should but they seem to be having fun! How are you finding it?