After reading the previous posts about a lump inside a nipple that is palpable but wasn't detected on several mammograms or ultrasounds, I thought I would add my story. It started 5 years ago when I was 44yrs old with discharge and bleeding from my right nipple. A visit to the breast clinic showed all normal tissue. A year later it was a palpable lump but still didn't show on imaging. It continued to grow slowly and two years ago it still didn't show on imaging but a consultant could feel it so did a core biopsy that showed benign skin changes. A year ago it was significantly bigger and felt like a small marble inside my nipple and had grown out into the nipple skin. Back again at the breast clinic it still wasn't showing on imaging but they decided to do another core biopsy through the middle of the lump which showed up in pathology as a nipple adenoma and benign. The biopsy has never healed as tumour material doesn't knit together, so yesterday I had the whole lump removed, unfortunately they couldn't save my nipple but my a areola is intact so the cosmetic outcome should be ok and I'm just relieved it isn't cancerous. They have sent the removed lump to pathology routinely, but it should be ok as previous biopsies were benign. Apparently Nipple Adenomas are quite rare, so are hard to recognise clinically and can only be confirmed by pathology.