Line in fingernail - worried

I've had a faint reddish mark, slight raised ridge on my right 3rd finger nail for about 2 years. I wore acrylics a few years before that so always presumed it was damage from those. I went to get my nails painted today at my local beauty parlour and the lady asked if I'd always had it and had it always been so prominent. I explained I've had it for a few years and she mentioned melanoma and to get it checked out. I'm now worried sick and can't get a gp app till next week. From what I can see it's mainly really dark brown/black lines that are worrisome but I can't get this out of my head now. The nail is a little red horizontally as I've just buffed the gel off so it's a little red and bruised.  Any advice? 

  • Hi,

    Subungal melanoma isn't very common and it mainly presents as a dark diagonal line from the nail bed to the tip. A red line isn't usual and it doesn't usually cause a ridge in the nail. Having said all that, I would get it checked out for your peace of mind, especially as many beauticians are now being trained in what signs to look for on the skin and nails so it's good that she pointed it out. Hopefully your GP will dispel your fears but please get it checked and let us know how you get on. Good luck,

    Angie (melanoma patient)