I'm at a loss. For months, maybe even close to a year, my voice changes and I have to clear my throat to get it sounding normal again and within minutes it fades again. It started off happening a couple times a week but over that past couple months it's been a daily struggle. I talk all day long at work and it's really interfering. About this time, my husband noticed me breathing loudly. He said it sounds like I'm asleep while sitting in the car or sitting next to him on the sofa. I don't have issues with acid reflux, at least don't have the symptoms. I'm a 42 year old female. 5'2", 96 lbs. I do vape but have been for years, and before this I smoked almost 1/2 pack a day since I was 16. I originally thought allergies but I never had allergies before in my life. I haven't seen a doctor and hardly have the time to go. Is it really worth seeing someone or could I be concerned over nothing?