Post Ileostomy reversal

Hi had my reversal 3 weeks ago and am finding it tough. Days of constipation followed by very severe bouts of diarrhea sometimes resulting in my not getting to toilet in time . The pain in my backside is horrendous and am still having pain from old stoma site. Is this normal and when will it improve x 

  • Hello Shazzyl, 

    Poor you this sounds really tough indeed. I think it might be worth mentioning this to your medical team and asking them whether these symptoms are to be expected three weeks after the reversal. It does sound like you are in incredible pain and that this needs looking into so do ring your doctor or specialist and mention that the pain is excruciating and that you are suffering from the symptoms you describe. 

    I hope you will hear from other members who have had a reversal and that they will be along to share their story with you. If you want to talk to one of our nurses about this, don't hesitate to give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I really hope you feel better soon Shazzyl and that your symptoms improve quickly. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you have been speaking to Stoma Nurse who does offer different things for me to try . I think it doesn't help that my wound is still not healed properly and is getting  packed until healed. Speaking to other people I think it is just par for the course and will improve wth time just wish it would improve more quickly x

  • Hi Shazzyl,

    Had my Ileostomy reversed last Friday so am a week into it. I have experienced wind, bloated stomach , not diarreah - but its definatly squidgy.

    After going to the loo i apply sudocreme or germaloids cream (im sure other creams are available), to help with the soreness and i do this bit religeously even if i have to run back to the toilet having just applied the cream.

    Today i havent been, so i might be about to experience the constipation part. I think its just the bowel getting used to the process and i have been told it can take a few weeks to settle down into a pattern, which could be different to what was experienced before.

    My stoma site is a bit sore but not painful. It has been changed once and they had to repack it, which i have to say is a very strange feeling. It bleeds a bit, but im not worried as its an open wound and i may cause the bleeding due to moving about. 

    I too, have experienced the not getting to the toilet quick enough bit. I'm just putting it down to part of the process which i believe will get better with time.

    Have you changed your diet at all to help?. Apparently there are low residue diets which can help, if you are having trouble with the bowel.

    I have to say though this last week has been very unpleasant.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • Thank you for response  I am 4.5 weeks in and it has got better am now going the loo about 20 times a day and having mini stools each day which is a pain but at least its not diarrhea. How are you doing?